horor šou. .. .. .. .

nikdy za cenu života, by som nebol si dovolil k druhému človeku čo ku mne si dovolili; čo mne spravili; radšej by som zahynul; prekročili všetky prahy bolesti; mňa si samovrah na hruď privinul; hovoril, že som sa so životom neminul…… samovražda´ je slabé miesto človeka; slabina; človek, ktorý je podlomený zdravotne; mentálne; má nízke sebavedomie; odkopnutý […]

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who knows?

No that is not the case. If we did that we would be brain dead and certainly not have evolved to the point we are today. Discrimination – and judgement give us the ability to make better and healthier choices for a more positive and connected existence. When we evaluate, we often project our own opinions, fears, or desires onto the situation. This distorts reality and limits our […]

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– Thomas Ligotti, The Tsalal

„There are no faces except masks held tight against the pitching chaos behind them. There is not true growth or evolution in the life of this world but only transformations of appearance, an incessant melting and molding of surfaces without underlying essence. There is no salvation of any being because no beings exist as such, nothing exists to be saved – everything, everyone exists […]

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~ Bertrand Russell, from ‚Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? ‚

Why does God allow evil? The world, we are told, was created by a God who is both omnibenevolent (all-loving) and omniscient (all-knowing). Before He created the world He foresaw all the pain and misery that it would contain; He is therefore responsible for all of it. It is useless to argue that the pain in the world is due to sin. … If God knew in advance the sins of which man would be guilty, […]

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We are a dumb species

The irony with the philosophers, as well everyone else who is arguing from the assumption that their is something metaphysical about a „soul“ are all wrong, because the soul is just another mental contruct which cannot be proven, since mental activity has nothing to do with souls, only representations/simulations of how one perceives themselves based on the amount of bullshit that […]

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The nakedess of nothingness.

The inability for humanuty to accept facts, such as that all their life is conformity and imitation as the aftermath of how each society conditiins them, is a testament to why they all cling to the myth of individuality in order to feel that they are excluded and they have not been determined by the sym of memes which they carry along as „their“ identity, since they want to live in […]

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Life can sometimes feel like a frustrating and unfair video game—one where the rules are unclear, the challenges seem insurmountable, and the rewards are fleeting. In many ways, life and video games have some interesting parallels. However, when life resembles a poorly designed game, it can feel arbitrary, tiring, and even pointless. This comparison can help explain why life might feel […]

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Aktivita mozgu predchádzala vedomú reakciu

Tieto výskumy siahajú k Benjaminovi Libetovi a sérii experimentov, ktoré robil od 80. rokov. Libet a tím napojili pokusné osoby na elektroencefalograf, ktorý meral aktivitu v mozgu. Ľudí pripojili aj na elektromyograf, zariadenie, ktoré meralo aktivitu ich svalov. Jedinci mali za úlohu pohnúť rukou, kedykoľvek pocítia takú potrebu. Pritom sledovali špeciálne hodiny – mali si […]

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— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

„Loneliness is not just the absence of people. It is the absence of purpose, the absence of meaning. When you find yourself in a world where everything seems alien and distant, where every connection is superficial, and every attempt at understanding is met with indifference, you realize that true loneliness is not being alone, but feeling alone in a world that no longer makes sense.“

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~ Hannah Arendt, from The Life of the Mind

Nothing and nobody exists in this world whose very being does not presuppose a spectator. 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢𝘩 𝘈𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘯 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘺 Oct 14. 1906 – Dec 4, 1975 Seen from the perspective of the world, every creature born into it arrives well equipped to deal with a world in which Being and Appearing coincide; they […]

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Strategické víťazstvo nad Západom? Putin naň môže myslieť, vraví nemecký generál

Strategické víťazstvo nad Západom? Putin naň môže myslieť, vraví nemecký generál

21.11.2024 06:00

O NATO, Trumpovi, Ukrajine a Rusku pre Pravdu hovori nemecký brigádny generál vo výslužbe Reiner Mayer zum Felde.

Po amerických raketách prišli na rad britské. Ukrajina útočila v Rusku strelami Storm Shadow

Po amerických raketách prišli na rad britské. Ukrajina útočila v Rusku strelami Storm Shadow

20.11.2024 16:44

Kyjev túto informáciu oficiálne nepotvrdil.

Žilinka či Čaputová? Ústavný súd rozhodol kompetenčný spor týkajúci sa paragrafu 363

Žilinka či Čaputová? Ústavný súd rozhodol kompetenčný spor týkajúci sa paragrafu 363

20.11.2024 16:20

Žiadosť o výklad ústavy v súvislosti s činnosťou generálneho prokurátora podala vlani v septembri vtedajšia prezidentka.

Kyjev: Rusko prvý raz zasiahlo Ukrajinu medzikontinentálnou balistickou raketou. Strela môže niesť aj jadrovú hlavicu

Kyjev: Rusko prvý raz zasiahlo Ukrajinu medzikontinentálnou balistickou raketou. Strela môže niesť aj jadrovú hlavicu

21.11.2024 10:39

Rusko už na Ukrajinu páli Ukrajinu aj medzikontinentálnymi balistickými raketami

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