fig leaves cover us like lovers. .. ..

clock chimes busta rhymes i feel splendour pour amour glory hole sole survivor mole digs and fig leaves cover us like lovers…… všetky moje slová sa minuli účinkom, a následky na seba nenechali dlho čakať; bolo škoda nad rozliatym mliekom plakať? X Vnútorný monotonológ nie je ono…… X Život je sen, ale skutočne žiť znamená všetko iné len nie […]

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Útek do mlčania

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~ Isaac Asimov, from The Threat of Creationism

General consent, of course, proves nothing: There can be a unanimous belief in something that is not so. The universal opinion over thousands of years that the earth was flat never flattened its sperical shape by one inch.

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Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible

“Satan has certainly been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years. The false doctrine of Hell and the Devil has allowed the Protestant and Catholic Churches to flourish far too long. Without a devil to point their fingers at, religionists of the right hand path would have nothing with which to threaten their followers. „Satan leads you to […]

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. . Those are my people, beyond every color or language or place they come from!

Those who understand that these parties are not just a simple dance night, but a total gateway to knowledge in the mystic and the occult, those who understand how little we know and how many lives it takes to dig everything, those who understand that human is the only species dissatisfied of its own existence but we try to achieve this satisfaction, those who understand that thinking is the […]

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alway struggled

i have alway struggled ,with sole intention of ceasing to struggle. Result; zero. Lucky those who are unaware that to mature is to witness the aggravation excavation of our incoherencies, and that this is the only progress we should be allowed to boast of.

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we are r

— we are responsive to reasons and are able to give relatively accurate explanations of our behavior in terms of reasons, just as we are capable of consciously planning behavior and deliberately thinking about particular topics. Here you can read more about

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Some philosophers believe that free will is real, and determinism is not real, they are called metaphysical libertarians. Essentially, they believe that free will includes everything compatibilists believe it includes, but they also believe that our choices must be undetermined in order to be free. Some believe that free choices stem from quantum events in the brain, some believe that mind is a […]

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The providence of the Deity

The providence of the Deity appears not immediately in any operation, but governs everything by those general and immutable laws, which have been established from the beginning of time. All events, in one sense, may be pronounced the action of the Almighty. They all proceed from those powers with which he has endowed his creatures. A house which falls by its own weight, is not brought to ruin by […]

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If suicide be criminal, it must be a transgression of our duty either to God, our neighbour, or ourselves.

If suicide be criminal, it must be a transgression of our duty either to God, our neighbour, or ourselves. . I may add that though death alone can put a full period to his misery, he dares not fly to this refuge, but still prolongs a miserable existence from a vain fear lest he offend his Maker by using the power with which that beneficent being has endowed him. The presents of God and […]

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967. deň: Česká muničná iniciatíva musí pokračovať, uviedla trojica premiérov. EÚ rokuje o Ukrajine

967. deň: Česká muničná iniciatíva musí pokračovať, uviedla trojica premiérov. EÚ rokuje o Ukrajine

17.10.2024 06:10

Aliancia aj naďalej plne podporuje Ukrajinu, ktorá sa jedného dňa stane členom NATO.

Ak chcete opraviť zuby, radšej to urobte do Vianoc. Od budúceho roka ceny u zubárov stúpnu o desiatky eur

Ak chcete opraviť zuby, radšej to urobte do Vianoc. Od budúceho roka ceny u zubárov stúpnu o desiatky eur

17.10.2024 06:00

Ceny by mali stúpnuť nielen kvôli bežnej inflácii, ale aj pre zmeny, ktoré prináša konsolidačný balíček

Kažimír sa chce brániť: Peniaze na úplatok mali inú štruktúru než tvrdí Imrecze. S miliónom „bol na nule“

Kažimír sa chce brániť: Peniaze na úplatok mali inú štruktúru než tvrdí Imrecze. S miliónom „bol na nule“

17.10.2024 15:00

60-tisíc, ktoré mal Kažimír údajne použiť na úplatok Imreczemu mali vraj inú štruktúru, než tvrdil sám Imrecze.

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