Rubrika: Nezaradené


Ty Si ma preklial Je čas zúčtovania Lúč Svetla ti prebodne zrak Prídeš do osídlia slova zakabonený, lebo si vysadil olanzapyn Keď si bol v tranze prechodu cez latu nad potokom; si cítil, že sa to tam hmýri snehom v revíry, že si na špacíry, lebo do lesa vošli vampíry…….

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Život sa mi vymkol, keď som šiel vôkol príbytku mesačného dieťaťa, ktoré halucinuje pre vinu…….

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/ Oscar Wilde /

. „There are moments when one has to choose between living one’s own life, fully, entirely, completely-or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands.“

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Předsudečné násilí

Předsudečné násilí je takové násilí, které je pácháno na člověku kvůli jeho příslušnosti k některé společenské skupině. Pachatel útočí především proto, že má předsudky vůči skupině, kterou napadený ztělesňuje. Skupinová příslušnost je definována charakteristikami, které jsou často nezměnitelné nebo není legitimní jejich změnu požadovat. […]

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SATAN: The Adversary Within

In Hebrew, ‚Satan‘ is written with three letters: shin (ש), tes (ט), and final nun (ן). Shin (ש): Comprised of three upright vavs connected at the base, representing the head, heart, and reproductive organ. It symbolizes thoughts, feelings, and actions, collectively denoting „expression.“ In Jewish mysticism, it corresponds to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Tes […]

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(1) Genesis claims Earth was created on Day-1 and the sun, moon and stars on Day-4 (Gen 1:1 / Gen 1:15-16) – Planets are composed of elements and elements are fused by stars. You cannot form planets from things fused by stars before stars exist. (2) Genesis claims Earth had three mornings and three evenings before the sun existed. (Gen 1:5, 8 & 13) – Mornings and evenings are […]

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Creationists assert or claim that there is a benovelent God, a powerful entity that created the universe by his words, (Let there be light), and used dust to create mankind. However, atheists rejected the assertion of the creationists based on the failure of the creationists to prove the existence of God. Therefore, a scientific claim was introduced, as another possibility of the universe […]

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Nonsense. If anything has created this universe it must be pure evil. I think the reverse is right- evil can only create, it cannot destroy what it’s created. If god had some basic decency he would’ve wiped this hell he created eons ago. If he exists of course

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90 billion

„It is not morally right to massacre 90 billion innocent souls annually just because you like the taste of steaks, salamis and sausages.“ „It is not OK to forcibly impregnate a female and kidnap her newborn baby just because you are addicted to cheese or would like to have some cow’s breast milk in your coffee.“ „You should not torture creatures and leave them […]

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exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience. It is the unhealable rift forced between a human being and a native place, between the self and its true home: its essential sadness can never be surmounted. And while it is true that literature and history contain heroic, romantic, glorious, even triumphant episodes in an exile’s life, these are no more than efforts meant […]

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1110. deň: Ukrajinci „zničili“ Rusov, ktorí sa 15 km „hrdinsky“ plazili plynovodom do Sudže

1110. deň: Ukrajinci „zničili“ Rusov, ktorí sa 15 km „hrdinsky“ plazili plynovodom do Sudže

09.03.2025 08:25

Na Rusko zaútočili desiatky ukrajinských dronov. USA vetovali plán na vytvorenie pracovnej skupiny štátov G7 pre ruskú 'tieňovú flotilu', uviedol Bloomberg.

Peklo v Kurskej oblasti. Prenikli Rusi cez plynovod, kadiaľ prúdil plyn na Slovensko, alebo ich Ukrajinci zlikvidovali?

Peklo v Kurskej oblasti. Prenikli Rusi cez plynovod, kadiaľ prúdil plyn na Slovensko, alebo ich Ukrajinci zlikvidovali?

09.03.2025 05:30

Strácajú ukrajinskí vojaci Sudžu, ktorú obsadili v auguste 2024, alebo sa Rusom nepodarí v blízkom čase dobyť späť toto mesto v Kurskej oblasti?

Ropný gigant z Nórska trestá Trumpa: Urazil Ukrajinu, Američanom už nedáme ani liter paliva

Ropný gigant z Nórska trestá Trumpa: Urazil Ukrajinu, Američanom už nedáme ani liter paliva

09.03.2025 06:00

Nórska spoločnosť Haltbakk Bunkers sa rozhodla zastaviť dodávky pohonných hmôt pre americkú armádu na protest proti tomu, ako sa USA správajú k Ukrajine.

Romana Tabaková sa pustila do hercov SND: S politikou choďte na námestia. Diváci exposlankyňu vypískali

Romana Tabaková sa pustila do hercov SND: S politikou choďte na námestia. Diváci exposlankyňu vypískali

09.03.2025 10:01

Bývalá poslankyňa a tenistka navštívila Slovenské národné divadlo.

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