Rubrika: Nezaradené

zaviedol kuratelu aby si mongoloida nepripustili k telu

prišiel buratino, ktorý zaviedol kuratelu aby si mongoloida nepripustili k telu jedli sme nutelu a čokoláda nám kvapkala na nohavky dali sme si travky jedného rozsypaného doniesli na váľandu tvrdil, že bil bandu s molochom a zbieral lysohlávky aby s ním hovoril boh tak šiel do stávky o holý život za sociálne dávky deti sa rehotali popod bajúzy lebo okolo videli padavky

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sheep has been sheared and i feel sheer madness

pile of shit take a hit emit light u are legit i grit my teeth want to slit a throat of a goat turncoat gloat inside vacuum afloat i go around looking for scum i have my dictum indirectly screen out the pain weed is greener on the other side capitalism is but a thin veneer steer clear of it my peer sheep has been sheared and i feel sheer madness

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i am now agile and u are fragile

i suffer engulfed and fed up with flames of suicidal dreams following trail of shit as i see fit next level insanity clarified my alter ego died scum is on my back it will be my doom soon in looney bin he is under my skin so i raise my chin i feel malaise laissez faire obliterate rationality as illiterate women will be left alone to agitate for hate i am now agile and u are fragile

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who dares wins said siamese twins

dumpling dump bee sting cling to an image open his cage slippery slope cope and hope on hopium listen to korium gain equilibrium attain higher level of feeling fleeting we will have a meeting i cant believe sth he achieved debilitated progenitor your expendable life dependable cable regime you are not able bodied and u dont know who died………. things are now dormant and […]

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look for a needle in haystack make a big comeback

snail on a trail i want to bail out dont flail me i am frail i scream in pain and horror of gore listening to whoredom rife lets start a strife my boredom final fallen shoreline my cracked spine hacked real i am leader of the pack i have pussy for a snack smack my bitch up paint it black……… look for a needle in haystack make a big comeback

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snail we will prevail. .. .. .. .

flow is now my death row i sqeeze main squeeze flow is slow I can hear rain knocking on coffin lid we want to kill the sow below the flow i aim to bestow gift to you we can derail it you can nail it set sail snail we will prevail……..

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The ego

You must deeply understand that man’s ego will go to great lengths to resist the gradual awakening of man’s spirit/soul. This resistance stems from the existential fear that accumulates in man’s subconscious mind, a fear rooted in the ego’s dread of annihilation. The ego, driven by this fear, creates numerous distractions and illusions to keep man’s true Higher Self from awakening. […]

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existential suffering

The key reason why Man experiences existential suffering is due to his own ignorance or avidyā, which in Buddhist phenomenology means the ignorance of how the individual perceives or looks at the nature of reality. We see that this ignorance is not a lack of intelligence or academic learning, but the misinterpretation that we ordinarily give to mundane reality (māyīyamala). So we can correctly […]

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Slavoj Žižek, How to Read Lacan

“What all this amounts to is that for Lacan the Real, at its most radical, has to be totally de-substantialised. It is not an external thing that resists being caught in the symbolic network, but the fissure within the symbolic network itself. The Real as the monstrous Thing behind the veil of appearances is the ultimate lure that lends itself easily to New Age appropriation, as in Joseph […]

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~ Arthur Schopenhauer, from Free-Will and Fatalism

No man becomes this or that by wishing to be it, however earnestly … The whole course of a man’s life, in all its incidents great and small, is as necessarily predetermined as the course of a clock …

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Ukrajina možno neprežije vojnu, poznamenal len tak Trump

Ukrajina možno neprežije vojnu, poznamenal len tak Trump

09.03.2025 23:16

Trump Zelenského obvinil z rozpútania vojny a označil ho za diktátora.

Musk, Rubio a „malý muž“ Sikorski sa pochytili na sieti X pre Starlink: Front by sa zrútil, ak by som ho vypol. Ale neurobím to

Musk, Rubio a „malý muž“ Sikorski sa pochytili na sieti X pre Starlink: Front by sa zrútil, ak by som ho vypol. Ale neurobím to

09.03.2025 18:43

Doslova som vyzval Putina na fyzický súboj jeden na jedného o Ukrajinu, uviedol miliardár.

Pre Rusov sa stala „kufrom bez rúčky“. Putin vraj Záporožskú elektráreň vráti Ukrajine

Pre Rusov sa stala „kufrom bez rúčky“. Putin vraj Záporožskú elektráreň vráti Ukrajine

09.03.2025 21:19

Podľa vysokopostaveného vládneho zdroja je pravdepodobnosť návratu jadrovej elektrárne pomerne vysoká.

Elon Musk je za vystúpenie z NATO: USA nemajú čo platiť obranu Európy

Elon Musk je za vystúpenie z NATO: USA nemajú čo platiť obranu Európy

09.03.2025 14:11

Miliardár sa na svojej sociálnej sieti vyjadril za vystúpenie Spojených štátov z NATO.

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