Rubrika: Nezaradené

– Thomas Huxley, On the Hypothesis that Animals are Automata, and its History, 1874

„The doctrine of free will has raised up untold misery, and the whole human race has been made to suffer from its baleful influence. This doctrine has been responsible for the separation of man from man, of nation from nation, and of church from church. It has poisoned the fountain of morality, sown the seeds of hatred and discord, and made the world a scene of strife and contention.“

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‚millionaires are the product of natural selection‘

Even Marx and Engels adopted Darwinism as the biological counterpart to the class war, though Darwin respectfully declined the honour of having the English edition of Das Kapital dedicated to him. ‚The survival of the fittest‘ in a human context could be all things to all men. It even invaded academic sociology, in the work of Herbert Spencer and Walter Bagehot in England and Ludwig […]

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– Sam Harris, Waking Up, Questions and answers, Lock Kelly and Sam Harris, Thinking and mindfulness, Sept. 2018

„You can recognize many of the features of consciousness just by paying closer attention to what its like to listen and understand anything what’s being said. If you’re a speaker of English you understand what I’m saying. And you could notice that there’s no one doing any of that. You have no control over this, there’s no place from which you’re doing it, […]

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What Is the Self Illusion? ,

„For me, an illusion is a subjective experience that is not what it seems. Illusions are experiences in the mind, but they are not out there in nature. Rather, they are events generated by the brain. Most of us have an experience of a self. I certainly have one, and I do not doubt that others do as well — an autonomous individual with a coherent identity and sense of free will. But that […]

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– Susan Blackmore, Living Without Free Will, 2013

„Proponents of many popular compatibilist arguments often agree in rejecting contra-causal or magical free will. Yet they seem to be trying, at all costs, to rescue some snippet of freedom from the obvious fact that everything that happens in this universe is either caused by something that went before or is a truly random event. Neither of these alternatives provides any room for what most […]

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ako ľahko ´všetkým nakukal´, že som jeho ´výkal´; s, ktorým život ´smíkal´ sem a tam; ako dosiahol, že mi vzal kontrolu nad sebou; aby som ´mal po chlebe´; ako tam sa došiel do blázinca ukazovať s tým, že ´verí sebe´ ako je on ´fit a zrelý´ pre ´suicidálnu dilemu´ keď ma vykázal mimo systému; parazit, že si neceknem; mal zavrel do klece žiadostiť; ako keď […]

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samovrah vivat; 

všetko čo na mne napáchal; všetky činy, ktoré boli nezákonné; to ako ma postavil mimo zákon; aby sa ´on´ vyťahoval na ´samovraha´; ako ma označoval menami; všetko sa mi to prieči, a je v hlbokom rozpore s mojou vôľou; ipssissimou; živatmou; samovrah vivat;

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Ako tancovať na ľade. ..

Ako vieš. Vážne. V dobrej nálade. V objatí ohňa. Sporo. Naboso. Vo voľnom štýle. Vláčne. S pátosom. Pri brehu. V strede. Zvoľna. Divoko. S perlami v oku. Vačkom pod okom. Laicky. Detsky. Božsky. Vyzreto… Ak to má prísť, tak príde. Príde to. Je vážne jedno, ako to vyzerá. Hlavne sa, prosím, vyber lámať ľady v ten správny čas na správne jazerá.

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zbuzerovaný som hľadal tunel ako kedysi luis bunuel videl som ako mi doniesli trunu lebo chcel so mnou vybojovať duel je suis charlie manson hrôz panoptikon ležal som na kanape dali mi psychofarmakum, že ´pošľape´ pochlap sa chlape aha ulapili samovraha do jeho sietí život preletí nad kukačím hniezdočkom tam začali muka nevýslovná pachuť pánovho hovna x

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10 Reasons Why People Can’t Let Go of Their Free Will Belief

determinism, free will, free will illusion 10 reasons people can’t let go of free will belief This week I’d like to focus on 10 reasons why people find it difficult to let go of their belief in free will (as defined here), even when given the evidence against it. There are many factors involved, so as always, this is just a brief list from the many possibilities. Some may apply to some […]

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Ukrajina možno neprežije vojnu, poznamenal len tak Trump

Ukrajina možno neprežije vojnu, poznamenal len tak Trump

09.03.2025 23:16

Trump Zelenského obvinil z rozpútania vojny a označil ho za diktátora.

Musk, Rubio a „malý muž“ Sikorski sa pochytili na sieti X pre Starlink: Front by sa zrútil, ak by som ho vypol. Ale neurobím to

Musk, Rubio a „malý muž“ Sikorski sa pochytili na sieti X pre Starlink: Front by sa zrútil, ak by som ho vypol. Ale neurobím to

09.03.2025 18:43

Doslova som vyzval Putina na fyzický súboj jeden na jedného o Ukrajinu, uviedol miliardár.

Pre Rusov sa stala „kufrom bez rúčky“. Putin vraj Záporožskú elektráreň vráti Ukrajine

Pre Rusov sa stala „kufrom bez rúčky“. Putin vraj Záporožskú elektráreň vráti Ukrajine

09.03.2025 21:19

Podľa vysokopostaveného vládneho zdroja je pravdepodobnosť návratu jadrovej elektrárne pomerne vysoká.

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