Rubrika: Nezaradené

hope in the Bible

X It just seems so obvious to me. It’s either works (of the law) or it’s faith in Christ. It cannot be both, these are not the same thing. It can only be one or the other. You’ll have two groups on judgment day, those who are of the works of the law, and those who are of the faith of Christ. Only one of these two groups will inherit eternal life, because as we established already they […]

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Gnostic creation myth

In the Gnostic creation myth, Sophia gave birth to the Demiurge… In the Nag Hammadi scriptures this ‘Demiurge’ being is the epitome of ignorance. He doesn’t know that he was created and he proceeds to announce that ‘He is God’. And not only that, he punishes anyone who won’t bow to him. Sound familiar? In Gnosticism, the Demiurge consciousness is the same character as Yahweh in […]

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‘Baphomet’ meant “Baptist of Wisdom”

Before the time of the Chaldean Abraham, a mystical race of Celestial Maji lived in the ancient city of Harran. They procured and practiced the Astro-Majiqal rites from ancient Sumer and Akkad. To these rituals, they affixed the philosophical writings of Hermes Trismegistus and the original Book of Enoch. Along with the Ark of the Covenant, the Book of Enoch vanished after the death of King […]

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In the realm of existence, reality dances to the tune of our subjective perceptions, a delicate waltz of consciousness and interpretation. There lies no fixed reality beyond the veil of our awareness; instead, reality emerges from the intimate embrace of our consciousness. To comprehend reality is to traverse the labyrinth of our own subjective experience, a journey fraught with the shadows of […]

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zápisky rok staré v tento deň

nikto ma nikdy, nikde nezháňal až keď ma vydal do blázinci polícii sa ´vyznamenal´ kamennú tvár mal hovoril, že ide meniť moju existenciu nemennú od zeme ma ´nadvihne´ od dna ´pre mňa za mňa´ sa do toho vloží budem vrieskať zo svojej kože zbrane zložím on ide na mňa s plánom božím…. x moja pamäť je napojená na prístroj padlo mojej existencii neprístojné […]

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Schoedinger’s Madness axiom

It’s the Schoedinger’s Madness axiom–If we hadn’t witnessed it, it would still be hanging in the lingering omnipresent ‚everything‘ of potential sanity; so, madness and reality are the same thing.

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neandhertal woman 75, 000 years old

„The skull was as flat as a pizza, basically,“ said Professor Graeme Barker An absolute astonishing discovery and work by a team of British archaeologists who managed to reconstruct a 75,000 years of Neanderthal woman skull Dubbed Shanidar Z, discovered in the Shanidar cave in the Kurdistan Region. The groundbreaking discovery offers fresh insights into the lives of Neanderthals and […]

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10 practical lessons from Friedrich Nietzsche’s „Beyond Good and Evil“:

10 practical lessons you can glean from Friedrich Nietzsche’s thought-provoking work, „Beyond Good and Evil“: 1. Question Societal Norms: Nietzsche challenges traditional morality and encourages questioning established values. This doesn’t mean rejecting all morals, but critically examining why you hold the beliefs you do. 2. Embrace Your Complexity: Nietzsche argues we […]

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The „Source“

One of my favorite stories is the garden story. God lies, the serpent tells the truth, god punished everyone for listening to the truth. Most people don’t get it. „It“ is darkness, eternal … it is such as cannot be seen but felt, it is such as cannot be resisted but obeyed. It does not command out of spite or thirst but for a sense of Order from Chaos, Ritual from […]

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Fitzwilliam Darcy

There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome. – Fitzwilliam Darcy Our greatest strengths prove also our greatest weakness for, having found a way to explain our world, we then rely on it and by that nature exclude that which is outside of what it understands as effective.

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Ukrajina možno neprežije vojnu, poznamenal len tak Trump

Ukrajina možno neprežije vojnu, poznamenal len tak Trump

09.03.2025 23:16

Trump Zelenského obvinil z rozpútania vojny a označil ho za diktátora.

Musk, Rubio a „malý muž“ Sikorski sa pochytili na sieti X pre Starlink: Front by sa zrútil, ak by som ho vypol. Ale neurobím to

Musk, Rubio a „malý muž“ Sikorski sa pochytili na sieti X pre Starlink: Front by sa zrútil, ak by som ho vypol. Ale neurobím to

09.03.2025 18:43

Doslova som vyzval Putina na fyzický súboj jeden na jedného o Ukrajinu, uviedol miliardár.

Pre Rusov sa stala „kufrom bez rúčky“. Putin vraj Záporožskú elektráreň vráti Ukrajine

Pre Rusov sa stala „kufrom bez rúčky“. Putin vraj Záporožskú elektráreň vráti Ukrajine

09.03.2025 21:19

Podľa vysokopostaveného vládneho zdroja je pravdepodobnosť návratu jadrovej elektrárne pomerne vysoká.

Elon Musk je za vystúpenie z NATO: USA nemajú čo platiť obranu Európy

Elon Musk je za vystúpenie z NATO: USA nemajú čo platiť obranu Európy

09.03.2025 14:11

Miliardár sa na svojej sociálnej sieti vyjadril za vystúpenie Spojených štátov z NATO.

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