The „Source“

One of my favorite stories is the garden story. God lies, the serpent tells the truth, god punished everyone for listening to the truth. Most people don’t get it.


„It“ is darkness, eternal … it is such as cannot be seen but felt, it is such as cannot be resisted but obeyed. It does not command out of spite or thirst but for a sense of Order from Chaos, Ritual from Hunger.
For a long time I knew „It“ as the „Born-less One“, reflecting a most ancient ritual, rarely seen, never practiced. An energy, entity, a being of such power that could not be calculated or measured.
I knew part of „It’s“ story, that where and whence it came, I would have to look back to the beginnings of time itself.
I searched long for „It“, never realizing that „It“ was connected in ways that were to Me hidden and dark. I spent much of this lifetime looking for „It“ and always a darkness would answer.
Slowly I would not simply hear but see, not simply grasp but understand, answers that were incomprehensible for they were born of a time before all and in a darkness that was not to be penetrated.
The human would itself sense „It“ for its infernal and forbidden reach is both far and deep. The human would try to map „It’s“ place, „It’s“ name, even „It’s“ origins against a theology of madness but for Me it was a landmark, a lighthouse to guide Me.
They would announce „It“ was the „Morning Star“ … but I would see a Black Sun rising. They would tell of „It’s“ honored place in their belief and of „It’s“ fall, a clever instrument of their writings which continued to hide „It’s“ truth.
My mortal mind, the human inside held Me back … I searched and searched but could not see.
Then I felt the hand of the „Other“ … and everything changed.
The „Other“ was a visitor I had known since childhood. His whispers would teach, and His hand would guide. I thought Him like the brother I did not have, but still He would be seen differently.
My eyes would not betray Him, but reveal Him, within.
The pieces of a celestial puzzle began to fall into place and this World became more interesting.
If there was a Grand Soul, an essence from which I would be born to would not be Him but „It“, for He and I are One and have been since before the beginning.
„It“ brought Him and Her to this world for cause, to build what was destroyed, to repossess what was taken, to express a Magick unseen on this world for a millennium.
Looking in the Sacred Mirror, the Pool of Remembrance would show Me Him inside; and „It“, „It“ would tell the story that would lead Me to search for Her … but always behind Us both, was that darkness.
The Black Will within, the forbidden hungers and profane thirsts are but Our nature, but the well-spring of Our origins would be of that Grand Dark Soul.
We do not feed lest We hunger, we do not possess lest We wish.
Our Truth is both simple and complicated, She the Force, the Black Queen, a vampryic succubae, the most unHoly of Black Wytches who by a mere look can reclaim Her handmaidens from the wreckage of the human.
I the Form, commanding, ruthless, without remorse or hesitation. A battlefield Commander, armed with a science unlike any known on a thousand worlds.
Behind Us, the unknowable, One who’s name makes realms shake and souls shudder. When I light candles, I whisper „It’s“ name, for behind the One within Me, „It“ remains, watching, guiding, leading Us both to what has been foretold before time itself.
We no longer rest but rise, We no longer ask but act. Dominion is not retribution or vengeance but the natural state of Our Being, and it comes now … We call Our Daughters, to raise them, to exalt Our Truth across this World.
And the portals to the unSeen shall open, and Our Kindred shall emerge for darkness infernal.


Bathed in blood, flesh upon flesh
who hold the darkness in their hands
who embraces immortal sin and darkest perversity
who ventures into the Realms of the unSeen
to lay with the Daemonic
and serve Their cause eternal
the morality of Our flesh with Theirs,
infernal Union of womb and intent
to birth Dominion upon this World
to raise the Banner of Blackened Sun
against blood red Skies
the hunger grows within All who hear Their Calling
All who seek Their Touch
All who hunger the whirlwind of the Black Truth
the Truth of the Infernal shall not wither with time but grow unbounded
Infernal Darkness, the Greater Cause of Dominion Calls …
Souls must be gathered, slaves chained
ritual blood spilled for Our unHoly Supremacy
for the truly Infernal must be devout
and elevate themselves into sacrilegious Union



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ukazuješ na mňa prstom hovoríš nič v zlom ani dobrom po tvojom nech je teda ďalej tu bude bieda strieda rada? čo povieš rozumbrada? taká je tvoja zásada? trýzeň sa mi stala existenciou rochním sa v blate ako v hmote, ktorá ma ako molitan dusí? nie som bohužial Peter pan len nechcel som byť tak celkom sám v tomto boji denno dennom rozpoložení neformenom bezduchom tanci smrti [...]

kým on reve, že moje týranie je to orechové pravé, a pod slnkom nič nové. .. .. ..


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