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If freewill is not the origin of your words then what is ?

If freewill is not the origin of your words then what is ?
Mia_spore on Instagram
Here is wisdom – revealed by two simple questions.
Q – What does science ?
A – Consciousness does science, nothing else does science, science is impossible without it.
Q – What does science tell us about the Consciousness without which science would be impossible ?
A – Nothing.
See – The Hard Problem Of Consciousness (how the material brain generates immaterial experience).
The belief in an omniscient „scientism“ is pure, proud philosophical-illiteracy gone mad, no more, no less.
Your very own existence as Individual Consciousness is all the proof of God (Universal Consciousness) that you will ever need, unless of course your beliefs tell you otherwise.
Only the severely philosophically-illiterate believe that they have no beliefs.
Examine the beliefs that serve to separate you from your origin and your destiny.
You now have all the wisdom that you need, whether or not you are able to accept and utilise this wisdom depends entirely upon the quality of your own Individual Consciousness.
Not complicated.
Love, the real theist love and not the ultimately irrelevant, ultimately meaningless and ultimately accidental atheist substitute version.
My very own words remain unchallenged. unchallenged – neprekonaný – ponechaný bez protestu – ponechaný bez námietok
Happy days.
Always a pleasure introducing dumbed-down, brainwashed, philosophically-illiterate lose/lose atheist loser fools to the logical consequences of their precious but particularly perverse and nihilistic ,No God Allowed metaphysical fetish.
God bless, dumbass.
What you posted was more dictating dogma than a discussion. God is not a necessary component of anything.
 I can copy and paste, too David………………… LAWS OF WISDOM by Ralph Losey
Observe our self, know our self, and slowly bring order out of chaos.
Arnold Keyserling, Charles Tart, and others discovered that our own consciousness is the main hindrance to our realization of full potential. We are not only held back by weak thinking, but by our fragmented and constricted consciousness. We cannot answer the big questions and fulfill our potential because we cannot see the big picture. Since we see only a chaotic series of disjointed snapshots, and think poorly if at all, the meaning of life remains a puzzle. Without expanding and integrating our consciousness, and without clear thinking, we can’t make sense of our life, discover who we are and what we really want.
From these insights we know that the first step we must take in order to answer the big questions ourselves is to transform our consciousness. We need to observe our self, know our self, and slowly bring order out of chaos. We need to awaken from the trance. The many scenes will then start to flow together into a movie that makes sense. As our functions segregate and consciousness integrates, we can develop our thinking. When we learn to think critically and creatively, we can figure out how the cosmic Laws apply to our life. ❤️🤣😬We can answer the big questions for ourselves. Thus, from a practical perspective, the Laws of Wisdom which must first be considered are the laws of our own consciousness.
Our inner world can be as chaotic as the outer. We experience a convoluted flow of thoughts and associations, feelings, and day dreams. The disjointed nature of our consciousness is one of the basic problems. To use thinking to sort out our inner world and start making sense of things, we must know the basic structure of our consciousness, the order underneath the chaos. The first basic law – constitutional principle of consciousness – which we need to learn to begin this process is the Law of Four. In consciousness we experience the fourfold ordering principle as the four functions: sensations, thoughts, feelings and willing. In time our consciousness emphasizes one or the other of these four.
Willing means the following types of consciousness, the following experiences: action of all kinds; decisions; doing; determining; controlling; yes-no; on-off; accomplishing; effectuating; carrying out; implementing; working; ordering; intuiting; forebrain; deep sleep and attention.
Feeling means the following: love; emotions; affects; drives; fun; intensity; enthusiasm; exhilaration; moods; imagination; force; power; passion; sentiment; strength; laughter; joy; humor; playfulness; right brain; metabolism; impulses; and dreams.
Thinking means: reason; relate; rational; logical; analytical; discursive; ratiocination; order; consider; reflect; ponder; cogitate; dialectic; symbolize; conceive; connect; deliberate; either-or; both-and; enumerate; hind brain; breathing; language; and reflection.
Sensing means perception; observe; 5 senses; unprocessed information; intake; direct and immediate consciousness; discern; sensuality; left brain; sex and excretion; sense data; and waking consciousness. The Four functions are usually shown on a cross.
Those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are ignorantly collaborating with the Satanically-Inspired, Pedophillic, New World Order that is presently attempting to destroy Western Civilization in order to enslave humanity to their evil ends, via the 6uild 6ack 6etter policies of the W.E.F./ U.N/ W.H.O/E.U/ C.C.P etc. Global Cabal.

Life Hack


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