Čo je kognitívna zaujatosť?

Čo je kognitívna zaujatosť? Kognitívna zaujatosť je systematický myšlienkový proces spôsobený tendenciou ľudského mozgu zjednodušovať spracovanie informácií prostredníctvom filtra osobných skúseností a preferencií. Proces filtrovania je mechanizmus zvládania, ktorý umožňuje mozgu rýchlo uprednostniť a spracovať veľké množstvo informácií. Zatiaľ čo mechanizmus je […]

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I read an audio book about generational traumas, and the authoress says that most of us ( I also think like this) has a cognitive bias -> „bad things can only happen to bad people“, „that thing can’t happen to me,etc.“. This is a mechanism that helps us keep being sane. Think of it like this: you see someone who is miserable (low health / low money / low status, […]

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„Nobody’s free until everybody’s free“

„Nobody’s free until everybody’s free“ is an inspiring call of solidarity, but I wonder if, taken as it is stated, the statement is true, and what the relevant discussion in academic philosophy is. It seems to me that there are free people and unfree people in the world right now, and this is in tension with the statement. Suppose person X who is a citizen of a democratic […]

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Test citlivosti na sračky

Stáva sa vám niekedy, že niekoľkokrát za sebou čítate duchovný citát a stále netušíte, čo chcel básnik povedať? Ste mierne šokovaní hlukom okolia nad citátom, ktorý nedáva absolútne žiadny zmysel? Máte pocit, že sa pozeráte na cisárove nové šaty, keď vás požiadajú obdivovať hĺbku pár slov? !! Hoci to tak nemusí vyzerať z okolitej reakcie, je celkom možné, […]

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– ‚Trick Slattery, Breaking The Free Will Illusion, Hard Determinism (or the Lack of Free Will) is Not Reductionistic! , 2014

„For people who don’t already know, hard determinism states that since every event is causal, free will is incompatible with such. I don’t label myself as a Hard Determinist, but rather a Hard Incompatibilist (Meaning free will is incompatible in both a deterministic univerese as well as an indeterministic universe), but either way neither implies a reductionistic framework. […]

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/ Simone de Beauvoir /

. „Society cares about the individual only in so far as he is profitable. The young know this. Their anxiety as they enter in upon social life matches the anguish of the old as they are excluded from it.“

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The sanctity of solitude is often overshadowed by societal norms that place undue emphasis on partnerships, as if they are the ultimate achievement or a necessary component of a fulfilling life. This perception couldn’t be more misguided. In truth, solitude is a profound and sacred opportunity bestowed upon us by the Universe. It is an invitation to embark on an intimate journey of […]

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– Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow

„So far, we have no good answer to this problem. Already thousands of years ago philosophers realised that there is no way to prove conclusively that anyone other than oneself has a mind. Indeed, even in the case of other humans, we just assume they have consciousness – we cannot know that for certain. Perhaps I am the only being in the entire universe who feels anything, and all other […]

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Logic is human arrogance assuming that our thinking, rationality and reason are somehow always correct…yet we have NO other intelligence close to humans to COMPARE our „logic“ to a higher standard. Imagine a species that has a million more years of cilivzation…or a billion…. We THINK AND SUPPOSE that our logic is matching reality. ……but one day, if […]

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~ Hannah Arendt, from The Human Condition

Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but antipolitical, perhaps the most powerful of all antipolitical human forces.. The common prejudice that love is as common as “romance” may be due to the fact that we all learned about it first through poetry. But the poets fool us; they are the only ones to whom love is […]

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Trump na konferencii CPAC: Peniaze vložené do Ukrajiny dostaneme späť. Z tribúny pozdravil aj Fica

Trump na konferencii CPAC: Peniaze vložené do Ukrajiny dostaneme späť. Z tribúny pozdravil aj Fica

22.02.2025 22:30

Trump uviedol, že USA Ukrajine poskytli 350 miliárd dolárov výmenou za nič, čo bola chyba predchádzajúcej "neschopnej" administratívy.

Na nemeckých školách je priveľa migrantov. Je to hrôza, sťažujú sa učitelia

Na nemeckých školách je priveľa migrantov. Je to hrôza, sťažujú sa učitelia

22.02.2025 14:00

Až 41 percent žiakov na nemeckých školách tvoria deti migrantov, v niektorých veľkých mestách sú školy, kde je to vyše 90 percent. Odráža sa na to na horšom prospechu, ale pribúda i násilie v triedach.

Vstupenka na stretnutie s Trumpom? Fico na CPAC volal po renesancii EÚ. Politológ: Karta sa obrátila, z USA sa stáva spojenec

Vstupenka na stretnutie s Trumpom? Fico na CPAC volal po renesancii EÚ. Politológ: Karta sa obrátila, z USA sa stáva spojenec

22.02.2025 16:00

Slovenský premiér vystúpil na zraze amerických konzervatívcov. O čom hovoril?

ONLINE: Sme v kritickom bode, tvrdia Briti a chcú voči Rusku ešte pritvrdiť. BBC zrátala počet padlých Rusov

ONLINE: Sme v kritickom bode, tvrdia Briti a chcú voči Rusku ešte pritvrdiť. BBC zrátala počet padlých Rusov

23.02.2025 06:50

Briti hovoria, že Ukrajina, Európa aj Británia sú v kritickom bode. To je dôvod, prečo nadišiel čas zdvojnásobiť podporu Ukrajine, tvrdia.

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