Why didn’t God just destroy Satan before?

Excellent question. The answer lies in the challenge that Satan made both in the Garden of Eden, and then later before God and all the assembled angels, as recorded in Genesis and Job respectively. (Genesis 3:1–6; Job chapters 1 and 2) Basically, in Eden Satan challenged God’s right to rule, inferring that man would be better off without Him, (and by association, worshipping Satan and under […]

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“cause” and “effect” Nietzsche

I’ve struggled immensely in all my attempts to read and comprehend Nietzsche’s “Beyond Good and Evil”. These blog posts are my attempt to better understand this material. I encourage any corrections or criticisms in the comments. Chapter One: On the Prejudices of Philosophers 21. The CAUSA SUI is the best self-contradiction that has yet been conceived, it is a sort of logical violation […]

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appreciate pleasure without ever having felt pain?

Benatar in his asymmetry argument assumes pain to be bad and pleasure to be good. But is it really that simple? Its one of the more intuitive things to say because we generally tend to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Inflicting pain is considered bad but inflicting pleasure is considered good or at least not bad. x I don’t think it is. Pain is painful, and pleasure is pleasurable, But all […]

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Virtual Immortality * **

“In scientific progress, imagination is more important than knowledge, real or imagined,” Richard Feynman. If we talk about science in the manner of Copernicus, Newton, Darwin, there is nothing to say, everything is in order. The Sun is at the center of the Solar System; we can experience gravity by jumping from a wall; and no one can deny that we are the 194th monkey, […]

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Because at some level pain seems like it contributes to the ‚goodness‘ of good or as a net source for pleasure and pleasure would be considered ‚good‘. Although you could say the same about pleasure (that the kind of pleasure determines if its good or not). Pain seems to be what makes our experience so rich – a beer tastes so much better after a long day of work […]

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Religion vs ·Spiritual enlightenment:

Religion: · The belief in and worship of a superhuman power or a God. · This is to include rituals, doctrine and laws of how to follow and worship this deity. · To include a person’s personal submission to an organization of humans that have self assigned themselves to uphold these rituals, doctrine and laws. · · Spiritual enlightenment. · The concept of Spiritual Enlightenment has […]

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Here are 7 lessons on attitude by Adam:

1. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Having a positive attitude starts with believing in yourself. When you believe in yourself, you are more likely to take risks, set ambitious goals, and persevere in the face of challenges. 2. Focus on the positive aspects of your life. It’s easy to get bogged down by the negative aspects of our lives, but it’s important to focus on the […]

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Why did Hitler hate the Slavs when some Slavs look more white than some Germans? “White” was never a category in Nazi race thinking. They would have laughed outright at anything so simplistic. They were concerned with purity, and their racial categories were based mainly on various skull and face proportions. Skin colour was actually irrelevant to them – some quite dark-skinned people […]

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1. When a woman is angry, she doesn’t mean over half of what she says. If possible always hug her to calm her down. 2. The most difficult time for a woman is when she is away from the man she truly loves. She can get distressed. 3. It takes time for a woman to trust a man, its hard to change her mind when she does, but if you mess-up, you might just forget it. 4. A woman is such a school […]

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Klikanie však čoskoro zastará. Ste príliš leniví na klikanie? Stačí, ak sa zamyslíte nad tým, čo chcete. Nebudete musieť ani pohnúť prstom. Mozgový implantát Neuralink sa skvele osvedčil jeho prvému príjemcovi Nolandovi Arbaughovi, ktorý bol v roku 2016 počas nehody pri plávaní ochrnutý od krku nadol. Arbaugh hovorí, že vďaka implantátu získal neuveriteľné herné […]

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1003. deň: Rusko podľa Putina spustí sériovú výrobu rakiet Orešnik, Kyjev chystá vylepšenú obranu

1003. deň: Rusko podľa Putina spustí sériovú výrobu rakiet Orešnik, Kyjev chystá vylepšenú obranu

22.11.2024 06:15

Rusi krátko pred útokom experimentálnou raketou stredného doletu na Dnipre informovali Spojené štáty.

Orešnik: Putinov jadrový odkaz. Čo značí nová tajomná ruská zbraň?

Orešnik: Putinov jadrový odkaz. Čo značí nová tajomná ruská zbraň?

22.11.2024 09:50

Nie je to nič iné len jadrové vydieranie, uviedol Tatarigami a dodal, že ak sa Rusku nepáčia údery vo vnútri Ruska, môže jednoducho z Ukrajiny odísť.

Zalužnyj: Tretia svetová vojna sa začala

Zalužnyj: Tretia svetová vojna sa začala

22.11.2024 08:17

"Podľa mňa v roku 2024 môžeme úplne uveriť tomu, že sa začala tretia svetová vojna,“ povedal bývalý veliteľ ukrajinských ozbrojených síl Valerij Zalužnyj.

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