The Paradoxical Theory of Change Arnold Beisser, M. D.

For nearly a half century, the major part of his professional life, Frederick Perls was in conflict with the psychiatric and psychological establishments. He worked uncompromisingly in his own direction, which often involved fights with representatives of more conventional views. In the past few years, however, Perls and his Gestalt therapy have come to find harmony with an increasingly […]

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desperate quest to “find themselves”

The splitting of our personality between the real and the virtual is a recipe for developing almost every form of mental health pathology that exists. The more we divide ourselves into distinct, sometimes incompatible personalities e.g. between our professional and personal avatars, the more difficult it becomes to feel whole, genuine and content at any given occasion. By living our life changing […]

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chomsky, human nature, foucault, language. .

chomsky famously believes in the possibility of objective morality based on shared sensibilities of right and wrong (as well as a capacity for rationally arriving at shared rules defining moral principles) that are derived from human nature itself. Foucault, by contrast, sees all attempts at imposing an ostensibly objective morality as little more than the product of concrete institutions and […]

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weak eyes

A fire guides her to the mount For a ritual of immorality exists From the forests she will come To follow the spell of the one A somber laying shadow through the mist Seen with pure fear by the folks But tonight is the night of the nights The night of the witches ride Abandoned, the died away hearth No forfending walls, no roof – shards Frost creeps through gaping grooves Where will you go when […]

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ve dvaceti sis nechal vytetovat kříž

protože nevíš jakej seś chtěls dospět dřív být hned někým ale je to cesta přes vlastní poznání prostě sis začal holit koule protože se to tak dělá někdo ti to řek a pak přijde první bod začneš se rozhodovat sám za sebe se všemi pro i proti zjistíš že je to vlastně k píči a šťávy kerý to zajímá tě nezajímaj protože tebe mám rád takovou jaká seš tak […]

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to nic

není čas dívat se na detaily zdi na tečky v omítce tá ty ty tá a čárky už není a ani nebyl čas tak jakýpak už je to jako zarýt nehty do blaha a do omítky si nic nenamluovat škoda, že už nemám čas jde se do práce do školy do kuchyně není čas dívat se

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Integrated information theory

Then, what is the point of consciousness? There are some, such as neuroscientist Daniel De Haan and philosophers Giulio Tononi and Peter Godfrey-Smith, who argue that consciousness can best be explained by “integrated information theory.” In this theory, consciousness is something that emerges from the sum of our cognitive processes — or, more specifically, the “capacity of a system to […]

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– Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoche

Our own „insubstantiality“: „The whole development of (suffering) is an attempt on our part to shield ourselves from the truth of our insubstantiality . . . The source of the effort to confirm our solidity is an uncertainty as to whether or not we exist. Driven by this uncertainty, we seek to prove our own existence by finding a reference point outside ourselves, something with which to […]

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Prirodzenosť, identita, postavenie a stav človeka  Autor: Peter Vajda a Drahoslav Vajda

Prirodzenosť, identita, postavenie a stav človeka Autor: Peter Vajda a Drahoslav Vajda Vysvetlenie pojmov Mnohé pasáže a témy Písma je ťažké vyložiť bez toho, aby boli použité výrazové prostriedky, kategórie či pojmy, ktoré sa v ňom nenachádzajú. Keď takéto pojmy pri výklade textov potrebujeme a používame, musíme ich vopred zaviesť, definovať, vysvetliť, aby bolo […]

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A Filológia (Filo) is the physical manifistation of a creature’s ambitions, desires, and willpower. Beyond rare, it’s estimated by researchers that only one in 0.00047% of sentient lifeforms within the Astral Sea possess one. It’s unknown how those who attain Filo do so; only that those who do are often capable of changing the fates of millions throughout the Astral Sea. […]

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V Moskve sa možno tešia zbytočne, Trump zatiaľ záhadne mlčí. Naozaj zastaví údery s americkými raketami na ruskom území?

V Moskve sa možno tešia zbytočne, Trump zatiaľ záhadne mlčí. Naozaj zastaví údery s americkými raketami na ruskom území?

23.11.2024 17:30

Ukrajinci sú zvedaví, čo urobí Donald Trump v prípade Bidenovho povolenia vystreľovať americké rakety proti cieľom na ruskom teritóriu.

Ruskí policajti dobili iránskych študentov. Teherán poslal Moskve 'protestnú nótu', žiada vysvetlenie

Ruskí policajti dobili iránskych študentov. Teherán poslal Moskve 'protestnú nótu', žiada vysvetlenie

23.11.2024 14:18

Ruský regionálny vyšetrovací výbor v piatok oznámil, že dvoch cudzincov zadržali za údajné "použitie násilia voči predstaviteľovi úradu".

ONLINE: Zalužnyj: Európa nie je pripravená na dlhú vojnu s Ruskom

ONLINE: Zalužnyj: Európa nie je pripravená na dlhú vojnu s Ruskom

24.11.2024 07:45

Bývalý hlavný veliteľ ukrajinskej armády Valerij Zalužnyj tvrdí, že európske krajiny nedokážu viesť s Ruskom opotrebovávaciu vojnu.

Toto nie je vaša hymna, Oskar Rózsa rozdeľuje Slovákov. Hymna patrí všetkým, reaguje Šimečka

Toto nie je vaša hymna, Oskar Rózsa rozdeľuje Slovákov. Hymna patrí všetkým, reaguje Šimečka

24.11.2024 08:45

Ešte prednedávnom sa dirigent vyjadroval celkom odlišne.

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