The only way out. .. Is in

I’ve been imprisoned by people, My oppressors, But in the prison of my days, I turned inwards, The only path to escape, The weren’t my oppressors at all, I was not imprisoned, They were my liberators, Who unknowingly showed me, The only way out… Is in

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~Manly P Hall~

When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illuminated faith, and fear into love.

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anima, free will, human nature. .. .. ..

No, anima is something individual like you mean women´s image in man? some kind of ideal that completes him? Like some parts of a puzzle archetype? Unconscious collective does that make us strive to fulfil roles of man and woman? Of course, the man’s role to provide & protect and the woman’s role to nurture true; so this anima helps us find our place?figure out who we are? […]

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smrť na jazyku a v očiach som mal okolo pán reval, že má po starostiach počul som jeho tliach pálil most cez minulosť dokazoval vinu reval, aby ma týrali sa so mnou vyhrali kopal do mojej telesnej schránky ktorú som schraňoval ma zoval mentálne vyšinutým aby som v rukách bielych plášťov koloval moje víťazstvo […]

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Being too friendly invites a lot of disrespect

Being too friendly invites a lot of disrespect. This statement, at first glance, may seem harsh or counterintuitive, especially when we are often taught that kindness and friendliness are virtues that foster positive relationships. And while that’s true, there’s a fine line between being genuinely kind and allowing others to take advantage of that kindness. When you’re too friendly, […]

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Thomas Metzinger, Suffering (2017)

We are systems that have been optimised to procreate as effectively as possible and to sustain their existence for millions of years. In this process, a large set of cognitive biases have been installed in our self-model. Our deepest cognitive bias is “existence bias”, which means that we will simply do almost anything to prolong our own existence. Sustaining one’s existence is the default […]

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Iblis-Platonic First Form,

Ibn Arabi describes Iblis as the embodiment of imagination, refusing to bow before the intellect. Iblis holds a unique connection to the Absolute, representing the Platonic First Form, an ideal that serves as the model for the separation of the self, the „I,“ from Consciousness, existing independently of the Absolute. Those who revere Iblis are known as the „separated […]

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Luciferianism vs. Theistic Satanism: Exploring Their Similarities and Differences

In the world of alternative spiritualities, two belief systems often garner attention for their controversial and misunderstood nature—Luciferianism and Theistic Satanism. Both movements challenge traditional religious norms and place emphasis on self-empowerment, yet they differ in their approach to spiritual practice, philosophy, and how they view key symbolic figures like Satan and Lucifer. […]

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násilie. .. .. .

ma dotlačil do šialenstva, a reval, že som mu nestačil, že je čas, aby ma dokaličil, lebo som svoj ´problém zveličil´…… x verím, že to, že žijem, že som ´jestvujúci´ je náhoda; že ma nebude žiadna škoda… x keď človek ´nemá sebavedomie´ si na ňom každé hovno ´lieči komplexy menejcennosti´…to je potom život prekliaty sen…. x […]

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1004. deň: Bern zakazuje export zbraní Poliakom. Švajčiarska 'neutrálna' munícia skončila na Ukrajine

1004. deň: Bern zakazuje export zbraní Poliakom. Švajčiarska 'neutrálna' munícia skončila na Ukrajine

23.11.2024 07:15

Nová ruská raketa, ktorú Rusko použilo pri útoku na Dnipro, mala šesť hlavíc, každá ešte šesť kusov submunície.

Vylúčenie Danka z koalície? Huliak navrhuje radikálne zmeny vo vláde, chce úplný rozpad SNS

Vylúčenie Danka z koalície? Huliak navrhuje radikálne zmeny vo vláde, chce úplný rozpad SNS

23.11.2024 10:22

Je neprípustné, aby Andrej Danko namiesto riešenia problému ohrozoval vládnu koalíciu svojím vyjadrovaním, tvrdí Huliak.

Nové odhalenia o útoku na Nord Stream. Ako ho Ukrajinci pripravovali? Zničiť chceli aj plynovod do Turecka

Nové odhalenia o útoku na Nord Stream. Ako ho Ukrajinci pripravovali? Zničiť chceli aj plynovod do Turecka

23.11.2024 06:00

Nemecký magazín Spiegel priniesol podrobný opis operácie Diametr, ako Ukrajinci nazvali útok na plynovody Nord Stream. Je však naozaj pravdivý?

VIDEO: Na Dunaji sa potápala loď, hasiči a policajti spustili záchrannú akciu

VIDEO: Na Dunaji sa potápala loď, hasiči a policajti spustili záchrannú akciu

23.11.2024 11:05

Krajským policajtom vyrazil na pomoc aj Hasičský a záchranný zbor.

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