kultúrne vložky, a iné položky z predkožky. . . . .

xXx špínu tejto vyjebanej ´rodiny´; generačné prekliatie, ktoré mi zničilo život na mňa vŕšil, aby mi odkopol hlavu, ktorú som zvesil z posledných sil….. x bude, tvrdil, že dakedy v budúcnosti, ktorú mi zničil on bude počuť čo som pred sto rokami chcel; ´len tak medzi nami´…… x reval, že mu nesiaham po členky, aby som v blázinci sa priznal, ktoré […]

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what a girl wants. .. .. ..

Women don’t want love, they want a slave.They want a man that they can use to fund their life style.Once life becomes hard, they will look for a man that can work hard for them so they can live a soft life.They want a man who can pay their bills, they want a man that can solve all their problems on earth.WHAT DOES THIS SLAVE[Men] GETS IN RETURN FROM THEM? nothing but suffering, pains and […]

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what? are u fucking kidding me?

Pain and suffering can never be in the same equation. Pain is real in the physical sense. Suffering is psychological and completely made up; it doesn’t actually exist. I still get what the quote is trying to suggest!

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What is consciousness?

Bertrand Russell and the “unsolved“ philosophical problem of consciousness. Below excerpt Russell’s theory of Philosophy of Mind (Neutral Monism) — broadly speaking, the view consciousness is intrinsic to matter, that the brain and mind physically the same. The upshot of this is neutral monism provides a possible solution to what is currently understood as “the hard problem of […]

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so samovrahom sa prišiel do dverí blázinca rozlúčiť pod podmienkou, že ho budú mučiť, aby mohli šialenstvo s normálnosťou zlúčiť. Bol oktrojovaný psychiatrický reál, a víťaz v boji o život, ktorý som vzdal bez boja dostal metál…. x Smiech cez slzy slané ako funerál; ´plané´ dieťa bolo označené, onálepkované, skaličené, umenšené; ferálny had ho […]

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Satanic affirmations

However, the broader question of free will is absolutely not a scientific one, because “leeway free will” can mean different things, and the concept of “could have done otherwise” can be articulated without appealing to indeterminism Dôležitým aspektom a priam metódou filozofie je humor. Autor ho zmieňuje v častiach o nihilizme, prvýkrát dokonca už pri biblickom […]

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dats my jew. . . . .

best way to get rid of jews from your life: don’t loan from banks, avoid fast food, porn, gambling and kitsch art they exploit human vices & depravity & people fall in such traps if you know how to live a balanced life you keep the vibration high and zionist leeches won’t exploit you

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The reason that I regard Metzinger as one of the best philosophers of our time is because he has manage to incorporate neuroscience, eastern and western philosophy regarding deconstucting the myth of the supposed self as an assunption and pressuposition in the context of not only phenomenology but also how it functions as to simulate and maintain a mental model/representation that is not true, […]

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purpose of life; to abide in the self. . . . . .

Self [edit] See also: Brahman and Prakasa Ramana Maharshi described his Self as a „force“ or „current“, which descended on him in his death-experience, and continued throughout his life: … a force or current, a centre of energy playing on the body, continuing regardless of the rigidity or activity of the body, though existing in connection with it. It was that […]

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„A stupid person is a person who causes harm to another person or group without experiencing any gain or even harming themselves, due to their own actions.“ 7 Lessons from The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity by Carlo M. Cipolla: 1. Stupidity is Universal Cipolla asserts that stupidity is a common trait found in all societies and cultures. He argues that everyone is susceptible to acts […]

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Strategické víťazstvo nad Západom? Putin naň môže myslieť, vraví nemecký generál

Strategické víťazstvo nad Západom? Putin naň môže myslieť, vraví nemecký generál

21.11.2024 06:00

O NATO, Trumpovi, Ukrajine a Rusku pre Pravdu hovori nemecký brigádny generál vo výslužbe Reiner Mayer zum Felde.

Prieskum SANEP: Milimetrový súboj o prvenstvo medzi Smerom a PS, Hlas potrebujú obidve strany

Prieskum SANEP: Milimetrový súboj o prvenstvo medzi Smerom a PS, Hlas potrebujú obidve strany

20.11.2024 12:00

Do parlamentu by sa podľa novembrového prieskumu spoločnosti SANEP dostalo šesť strán, na vrchole je súboj plece pri pleci.

Po amerických raketách prišli na rad britské. Ukrajina útočila v Rusku strelami Storm Shadow

Po amerických raketách prišli na rad britské. Ukrajina útočila v Rusku strelami Storm Shadow

20.11.2024 16:44

Kyjev túto informáciu oficiálne nepotvrdil.

Žilinka či Čaputová? Ústavný súd rozhodol kompetenčný spor týkajúci sa paragrafu 363

Žilinka či Čaputová? Ústavný súd rozhodol kompetenčný spor týkajúci sa paragrafu 363

20.11.2024 16:20

Žiadosť o výklad ústavy v súvislosti s činnosťou generálneho prokurátora podala vlani v septembri vtedajšia prezidentka.

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