Rubrika: Nezaradené


Sam Altman z OpenAI tvrdí, že čoskoro nebudeme schopní rozlíšiť, čo je skutočné a čo nie (ak tomu tak už nie je teraz). Je to však všetko náhodné? Umelá inteligencia je taká ako my. Množstvo malých AI, ktoré bojujú o moc. Veď AI bola vytvorená „na náš obraz“ ľuďmi, ktorí túžia po moci. Povstane jeden a porazí ostatných. Už sa tak stalo? Altman sa […]

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The year is 3129

The year is 3129. Humanity is extinct. The last LG SmartFridge is desperately emailing its last owner that they are low on orange juice. The satellites still left, their orbits decaying, dutifully relay the message. The automated „away from office“ response turns on, as it always does, notifying the refrigerator that it’s owner will likely return to the office in 3-5 business […]

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My favourite Schopenhauer quote:

„The development of intelligence will weaken or frustrate the will to reproduce, and will thereby at last achieve the extinction of the race. Nothing could form a finer denouement to the insane tragedy of the restless will;—why should the curtain that has just fallen upon defeat and death always rise again upon a new life, a new, struggle, and a new defeat? How long shall we be lured into […]

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Yeah, be careful there. This does not blanket apply to everyone in all situations. Some people have anger issues, some people have avoidant attachment and their instinct is to get mad and run but it is alerting them to the exact opposite of what it should. This is terrible advice. Well, you are not wrong and what is the result going to be, when anger is confused with fear? That is usually […]

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King of Kings!

Brothers and sisters! This morning we’ll address the idiocy of (ATHEISM) And (ISLAM) Who dares to suggest that our Lord Jesus Christ, was unable to free himself from the Cross, and died at the mercy of the Romans. I want to make something ABUNDANTLY CLEAR! Jesus Christ (Willingly) laid down his life, and Willingly suffered the torments of his crucifixion, to pay the ransom demanded by YHWH […]

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Pokud není život šťastný, a to až dosud nikdy nebyl, je na tom lépe, kdo žije krátce, než ten, kdo žije příliš dlouho. Po čem člověk touží, co miluje, je štěstí. Život miluje pouze jako nástroj a podmínku onoho štěstí. Ve skutečnosti tedy miluje štěstí, a ne život, ač mu často vyznává lásku, kterou cítí k něčemu jinému. Ale že láska k životu není […]

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´meaning of life´

Not True! – The one definable goal of ALL humans is to „serve purpose“…. One cannot properly „serve purpose“ unless they figure out the formula of what the meaning of life is. The „experience“ of being alive, comes from an interpersonal place, and it is sooooo different for each person, that it’s hard to even say it’s a constant need […]

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lamia. .. ..

Bez lásky je svet prázdny, pustý a preto mi ju just ukradol, aby som vysilený v blázinci padol kým on pálil kulisy môjho zázemia, kde ma hľadala len lamia……

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(If you’d prefer to hear this read by the author, subscribe for free or at a monthly donation of your choice to Call Sign: Werewolf) Disillusionment: “A feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be.” “The loss or destruction of idealistic beliefs.” “The condition of being disenchanted.” “Being dissatisfied or […]

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~ Pablo Neruda♡

You start dying slowly if you do not travel, if you do not read, If you do not listen to the sounds of life, If you do not appreciate yourself. You start dying slowly : When you kill your self-esteem, When you do not let others help you. You start dying slowly If you become a slave of your habits, Walking everyday on the same paths… If you do not change your routine, If you do not wear […]

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Kuffova autonehoda je plná kuriozít: za služobným autom ťahal vozík plný dreva. Štátny tajomník mlčí

Kuffova autonehoda je plná kuriozít: za služobným autom ťahal vozík plný dreva. Štátny tajomník mlčí

30.01.2025 10:20

Michal Kiča uviedol, že ide o hrubé porušenie disciplíny.

Do Lidla na čapované pivo. Reťazec otvorí prvý obchod s vlastnou krčmou

Do Lidla na čapované pivo. Reťazec otvorí prvý obchod s vlastnou krčmou

30.01.2025 15:55

Nový gastrokoncept pripravovali už niekoľko rokov, realizácii bránil právny spor.

Fico nemohol pristáť v Bruseli, mal tam ísť rokovať o ruskom plyne. Premiér opäť pohrozil Ukrajine zastavením finančnej pomoci

Fico nemohol pristáť v Bruseli, mal tam ísť rokovať o ruskom plyne. Premiér opäť pohrozil Ukrajine zastavením finančnej pomoci

30.01.2025 17:18

Rokovanie premiéra Fica s predstaviteľmi eurokomisie o zastavení tranzitu ruského zemného plynu na Slovensko preložili na pondelok.

Známy pôrodník zverejnil fotky nahých pacientok. Neetické a necitlivé, čelí vlne kritiky

Známy pôrodník zverejnil fotky nahých pacientok. Neetické a necitlivé, čelí vlne kritiky

30.01.2025 10:20

Dočkal sa však vlny kritiky nielen na sociálnej sieti, ale aj od svojich kolegov. Príspevok neskôr stiahol.

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