Rubrika: Nezaradené

Best Art Of Taking Things Easier In Life.

1. Smile. – A smile has the power to set almost anything and everything right. – Wake up and greet yourself in the mirror with big smile. – It brightens up your day. 2. Spend money on yourself. – Feel free to spend money on what you like to do for yourself now and then. – There might be things, which you want to buy or do since your childhood. – Grab sometime […]

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1. „Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.“ – Albert Schweitzer 2. „Success is not in what you have, but who you are.“ – Bo Bennett 3. „Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.“ – Winston Churchill 4. […]

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What is a human being’s natural state?

Acharya Prashant: Two monks were washing their bowls in the river when they noticed a scorpion that was drowning. One monk immediately scooped it up and set it upon the bank. In the process he was stung. He went back to washing his bowl and again the scorpion fell in. The monk saved the scorpion and was again stung. The other monk asked him, “Friend, why do you continue to save the scorpion […]

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Money As a Parasitic Lifeform

By George Tsakraklides on August 6, 2024 The idea that a small group of individuals can form a „government“ that represents the best interests of its people has been one of the biggest leaps of faith humanity ever took. Arguably, we didn’t have a choice. Although the idea of transferring power and authority from the masses to a group of leaders may seem abstract, it […]

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Hmota je filosofická kategorie k označení objektivní reality

Klasická mechanika však absorbuje ještě jeden názor, jehož první formulace jsou spojeny s antickým myšlením a linií ve svých důsledcích vedoucí k dualismu. Vracíme se tím k Démokritově formulaci atomistického pojetí hmoty. Určující snahou tohoto pojetí je hledat nikoli historickou pralátku, ale vykreslit hmotný svět jako strukturu, složenou v poslední instanci z […]

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I cannot go back to who I was. A man who used regular toilets.

The time has come. I can’t hold it any longer. Your throat will be my toilet. Remove the head by vicious means, prepare for log deployment. As I clench my bowels your esophagus accepts the deposit. I finish the deed, your stomach full of stool. Fecal fee paid in full. Regain my composure and gaze upon the scene. A headless body, it’s throat a latrine. Dripping with gore and […]

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– Gilles Deleuze

„We sometimes go on as though people can’t express themselves. In fact they’re always expressing themselves. The sorriest couples are those where the woman can’t be preoccupied or tired without the man saying “What’s wrong? Say something…,” or the man, without the woman saying … and so on. Radio and television have spread this spirit everywhere, and we’re riddled with […]

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“When system boundaries are defined by information flows and feedback loops rather than epidermal surfaces, the subject becomes a system to be assembled and disassembled rather than an entity whose organic wholeness can be assumed.” –N. Katherine Hayles, How We Became Posthuman The point Hayles makes above is still valid. Our philosophical if not religious and political notions of agency, […]

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ad infinitum.

„Determinism and the illusion of free will: Imagine I’m walking down the street and suddenly a car swerves out of control towards me. Not wanting to be hit by it, I jump out of the way. Did I make a free choice to jump? Well, sort of. I mean, I jumped because I wanted to. I wanted to avoid being hit, and that desire is entirely internal. But who wouldn’t want to avoid being hit? I […]

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PAUL (SAUL of Tarsus)

Paul introduced Pagan Mangod Worship to Israel and gave Sons to God by missinterpritting the scriptures, making God our Father, although Bible is against it in Acts 17:27-28, and not only did he Die a terrible death, but is currently in Hell according Bible. Biblical Proof that Saul of Tarses (Paul) is in Hell:- Jesus states in Mathew 23:15 that all the Pharisees (including Paul) are Hellbound […]

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Štyri zdroje: Lietadlo nad Kazachstanom zostrelilo Rusko. Baku očakáva priznanie Kremľa

Štyri zdroje: Lietadlo nad Kazachstanom zostrelilo Rusko. Baku očakáva priznanie Kremľa

26.12.2024 10:20

Pri Groznom bolo lietadlo vystavené rušeniu GPS a tiež falošnému vysielaniu tohto systému. Ide o jeden zo spôsobov elektronického boja vo vojne Ruska proti Ukrajine.

Strastiplný príbeh sa po 20 rokoch končí. Vieme, kedy konečne otvoria Višňové

Strastiplný príbeh sa po 20 rokoch končí. Vieme, kedy konečne otvoria Višňové

26.12.2024 12:24

NDS v týchto dňoch podpísala dodatok aj s dodávateľom stavebných prác.

Rusom znovu zdražie vodka a budú pykať za darovanú fľašu s alkoholom? Akú pokutu by zaplatili bežní ľudia a funkcionári?

Rusom znovu zdražie vodka a budú pykať za darovanú fľašu s alkoholom? Akú pokutu by zaplatili bežní ľudia a funkcionári?

26.12.2024 06:00

Poslanec, ktorý pred polrokom odporúčal bičovať neposlušných Rusov, teraz presadzuje pokuty za dary v podobe fliaš s alkoholickými nápojmi.

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