Rubrika: Nezaradené

L. S. Vygotsky+Wittgenstein

Nové možnosti v skúmaní vedomia objavil L. S. Vygotsky, ktorý vypracoval teóriu kultúrneho a historického vývoja vyšších mentálnych funkcií. Vychádzal z toho, že pri prechode od zvierat k človeku sa mení charakter interakcie človeka s prírodou. Jednou z podstatných vlastností tejto interakcie je mediácia, ktorá sa prejavuje vo využívaní nástrojov. Keďže vedomie je […]

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Plato and Right hand path

Right hand path faiths all share a single, universal perennial doctrine. This doctrine posits that the highest good that human life can achieve is through the union with a Supreme Being/Energy/All of the Universe. However, the way in which this is achieved is through the deception of one’s conscious awareness into believing that one has been accepted by this Supreme Being/Energy/All. […]

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A reflection is not the origin

*A mirror is a tool upon which something is reflected *In order for any reflection of something to mean anything there needs to be an audient receiving this reflection *This audient then assigns meaning to what they experience from this reflection *This meaning comes from the audient’s subjective reality and unconscious mind *Truth can only be experienced Directly from the Source, from the […]

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I feel like Plato understood the reflection of self awareness Which is where he got his theory of forms Flawed reflections Identification with the forms through linguistic concepts When you don’t know what they are Even the concept of roundness is seen as an illusion Or rather the mirror becomes more visible

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reality;the mediation of our consciousness

Reality is what we perceive to be real, there is no underlying true reality that exists independently of perception. The only way we are capable of knowing reality is through the mediation of our consciousness – that is, subjectively. We experience our own consciousness directly, but we cannot directly experience the consciousness of someone else. We can only infer their consciousness from […]

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„Father-Son“ thing. ZABOOR;“Eternal Gospel brought by an Angel to be preached to the world“

If you consider that Paul introduced Pagan Mangod teachings to Israel, and gave sons to God although Jesus Rebuked the Demons for calling him „Son of God“ in Luke4:40-41, and you consider the fact that Paul made Christians Lawless and falsely named it „Grace“ (Exodus31:18), and you consider that the Jews beat Paul up severely and turned him to the Romans to be killed in […]

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chronically absent Father.

I can’t decide which is more arrogant: that humans can’t believe there are no life forms more intelligent than themselves…or that they are special and chosen by an all-powerful sky daddy who sits back and does nothing while we’re literally killing each other over differences in opinion about our chronically absent Father.

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vyhynutie za bieleho dňa. .. .

Samovražda mi vzala dych, keď po mne spoločnosť chvátala a mne pred nosom mizla fáta…. Vojna visela vo vzduchu keď nabehla kuratela. Tvrdilo sa, že mnou ´nehla´ žena, ktorá ma postrehla, keď mi pálili dúhový most nádeje, lebo som ´človek´ zo samovraždy hotový, ktorý navyše schytá co proto, lebo sa na ´spoločnosť nechytá´, a noc šialenstva je […]

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The Holocaust — Between History and Myth

Biblical messaging in Eli Wiesel and the broader Holocaust narrative Mark Brahmin and Richard B. Spencer Oct 3 ∙ Preview READ IN APP It can fairly be said that no historical account—nor likely any word at all—has ever been written in a truly „disinterested“ fashion, that is, abstracted from, or untainted by, the man who writes, the time and place in which he is situated, and […]

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koža hrošia

Obracia sa mi žalúdok Keď na chrbte cítim tvoj pohľad Nepohli sa ti pery No ja viem, čo chceš povedať Pod kožou na kosti Cítim zuby tvojej závisti Pod kožou na kosti Zuby závisti Máš chuť zo mňa odhryznúť Kus ktorý ti chýba Zbiehajú sa ti sliny Pritom tvrdíš, že zívaš Pod kožou na kosti Cítim zuby tvojej závisti Pod kožou na kosti Zuby závisti Pod kožou na kosti […]

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1110. deň: Ukrajinci „zničili“ Rusov, ktorí sa 15 km „hrdinsky“ plazili plynovodom do Sudže

1110. deň: Ukrajinci „zničili“ Rusov, ktorí sa 15 km „hrdinsky“ plazili plynovodom do Sudže

09.03.2025 08:25

Na Rusko zaútočili desiatky ukrajinských dronov. USA vetovali plán na vytvorenie pracovnej skupiny štátov G7 pre ruskú 'tieňovú flotilu', uviedol Bloomberg.

Peklo v Kurskej oblasti. Prenikli Rusi cez plynovod, kadiaľ prúdil plyn na Slovensko, alebo ich Ukrajinci zlikvidovali?

Peklo v Kurskej oblasti. Prenikli Rusi cez plynovod, kadiaľ prúdil plyn na Slovensko, alebo ich Ukrajinci zlikvidovali?

09.03.2025 05:30

Strácajú ukrajinskí vojaci Sudžu, ktorú obsadili v auguste 2024, alebo sa Rusom nepodarí v blízkom čase dobyť späť toto mesto v Kurskej oblasti?

Ropný gigant z Nórska trestá Trumpa: Urazil Ukrajinu, Američanom už nedáme ani liter paliva

Ropný gigant z Nórska trestá Trumpa: Urazil Ukrajinu, Američanom už nedáme ani liter paliva

09.03.2025 06:00

Nórska spoločnosť Haltbakk Bunkers sa rozhodla zastaviť dodávky pohonných hmôt pre americkú armádu na protest proti tomu, ako sa USA správajú k Ukrajine.

Romana Tabaková sa pustila do hercov SND: S politikou choďte na námestia. Diváci exposlankyňu vypískali

Romana Tabaková sa pustila do hercov SND: S politikou choďte na námestia. Diváci exposlankyňu vypískali

09.03.2025 10:01

Bývalá poslankyňa a tenistka navštívila Slovenské národné divadlo.

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