cannot be easlisy disregarded, since they atribute everything to one causal factor, which is „mentality“.

Just be like David the clown Goggins bruh.
Whoever is familiar with Sapolsky’s work and has a basic comprehension of determinism, which is a fact in stead of the free will myth/dogma, would laugh every time they will encounter anything that has to do with such individuals and other glorified morons who used their personal anecdotes and life experience to self promote and boast and talk about some „mindset“ and other crap, because of them failing to take into consideration the presuppositional factors in which all contribute for what kind of position one is situated and how all these determing factors, both genetic and epigenetic have to do with the ignorant clowns who utter their nonsense non stop so they can make all kinds of assumptions regarding what it „takes“, as if this isn’t related to the other factors and its something that has to do with determination or some other isolated factor which will suffice to change the rest.
That’s why society is filled with morons who assume that the problem is that you are not motivated enough bruh/sis, to run a Marathon and run like a hound, since that’s all that it took from them, so they are appealing to their personal anecdotes and want to convince you that despite their circustancess, they did managed, which is again an appeal to the „will“ and determination which made them do so, and they assume that everyone can done the same since it’s entirely up to them as they frame it on order to think and act the same, without even ackowledging that people vastly differ in their genetic makeup and epigenetic environments, as well as brain structure due to plasticity, life experiences etc which all shaped them, because this doesn’t determine anything apparently and someone who is autistic or have some other neurological condition etc, can see some ex navy seal clown talking to Huberman who instead of calling them out regarding determinb factors, sit they and get mesmerized/impressed by them, without realizing that people are limited when it comes to their abilities due to traits which are geneticaly determined due to heridability and what genes were activated and deactivated durring their fetal development etc, to what kind of clowns they have/had as parents, what society were they inhabit, because he is just another idiot who just uses Goggins to get more views and subs, because of this strategy if the list of guests which one has, since he wanted to talk about how his brain operates, but this is just more anecdotal evidence and that has nothing to do with determinism when it has to do with other factors and not only the brain structure etc.
Next time, go say to some homeless to just get ricj bro, without even realizing that it only takes determination to do so, or go to someone who has an auto immune disease and tell them to just think postitive or to run a few miles, when their auto immune compromises all that and because regardless of the examples, people are not is the same position nor they can do what everyone else can, otherwise we would all be athletes and like Schopenhauer or Kant due to IQ and other factors which one was just randomly birthed to, so they could have access to more resources to be educated and their social network was such that enabled them to be another Tesla or something that made possible that they were „priviledged“ or fortunate enough to be in a position to facilitate all that, so they can boast afterwards and claim that this was done solely because they were responsible and not mentioning the prior factors, since people are fucking exhibitionists and they just want to boast about events and a multitude of factors that could be otherwise and they would be in a different life trajectory, which can happen anyway, because the pedestal which one positions themselves can easily be ruined by other factors,since they are subject to everything.
When idiots want to offer instructions, prescriptions, suggetions and formulas about anything to anyone which they know nothing about and without taking anything in consideration, you can laugh at them every time they utter anything.
Just be like me bruh. I did x, therefore the assumption is that you can do it to, since if you also do x, then the assumption is that y will happen and this is the delusional certainty in which one speaks about factors that cannot be easlisy disregarded, since they atribute everything to one causal factor, which is „mentality“.
Humanity is a fucking joke when one uses determinism to point out how they perceive everything, due to theor myopia.
Dumb animals who assume that everything has to do with isolating a factor and then unleashing their brain farts.



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židia. .. .. .. .


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