Man’s Death in My Eyes Lyrics

I’ve rejected every posed question
that was just a hitch to learn myself
For every sin was just a context
everything a statistic, life was an absurd
What difference shall it make
if I throw s*** on god or you?
So emptiness I am
Your sorrow in my hand though
plague and worship
Black color in my eyes
Apart from darkness

Man’s death in my eyes

I wish you suffering then
To let you swallow the pus just once,
the same you spit for ages
Changing the fear into vanity

And I will drown this world
every stranger’s laughter
I shall open your eyes
Until your eyes will run with blood

Despising every word of yours
Hatred I shall spawn from the hatred,
The flames of which will spare nothing left

I scream into your face
Hate thyself
Let the world burn
Hate thyself
From blood, through blood for blood!

The gory shine of dawn will smell of powder
and thou shall breathe with sand
Thy will is after all ravings
the stench of bedding alike
Your life is an absurd!

I wish you suffering then
I wish you suffering then
Man’s death in my eyes

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