stigmata (pl) – jazvy (znamenia)

 Ego Sum Omega

The fathoms of truth are where darkness is deep
And triumphant over ideal and intellect
Mesmerizing, paralyzing spirals of fear
They become relief, spirit, and belief
Skulls ascend high heaven’s eye
Death will receive, drowning pride in grief,
Birth will come and tears will dry

Rather hear the ones carrying hearts of no light
For but insects feed on stigmata

They did fall in reverse
And speak their truth in secrecy, with whispered voices, thousandfold
As willfully blindfolded eyes might give weight to the paradox
Some would do well contemplating
The faceless and shapeless state of equilibrium

Learn, while skin dissolves, to deliberate upon the thrice-lettered word
For that which shelters, adulterates, revolves in
Circles like moths to the flame
To perpetuate the waters transpicuous and shallow
So no one and nothing could ever drown in such constrictive seas

Insignificance becomes breathable
Even when perceived as an ocean,
For unconscious focus persists
Until the I becomes a sunken city,
Ruins hidden in the cold vast dark

It is through the gaze of the eye,
That a face loses substance,
Becomes stripped of all expression
Until there is nothing left to hold on to, maintaining but bones and spirit,
Thus essence is cleared of all false constructs,
And towers of radiant unidentity emerge
From underneath the cloudy surface to unfold in splendour
And on top there is a crown enthroned,
Made out of the remains of one million destroyed personas
Forming omega

Představa ontologie coby pyramidy odshora dolů byla pro něho příliš zásadní; Nacionálně-socialistická ideologie


Evola si dlouho myslel, že tzv. vyšší vrstva bytí (např. duch) má přednost, nezávislost a moc nad nižší (např. duše, tělo atd.). Což bylo zajisté vysvětlitelné jen jeho ontologickou obrazotvorností, rétorským efektem a [obecně] coby pouhý dozvuk křesťanské kultury v Evropě. Nietzsche by se něčemu takovému vysmál. Rovněž Rosenberg rázně odmítl jakékoli [...]

 Rays like Razors


Stare into my heart With rays like razors Cutting my eyes into half And see these depths in devastating order When transgression is reached There is nothing I cannot see, nor hear, nor feel And my body is closed to the foreign void of reason As if I’d never be part of what is called „state-of-the-art“ Let us cease to exist when we hear your voice Let us cease to exist when we [...]

I Burn Within You


You speak from dark corners Where we find ourselves in When hours are drifting from above the sky In your domain, time is dissolved, Leaving but liquid that dances, radiant with none And your words echo in our mind Not among bones and flesh But within darkness that hides beneath our eyelids Where we find our true self Revealing not one spark of your enigma Yet there are hints of your presence [...]

Vladimir Putin, Valdaj

Putin očakáva zložitejší svet a boj o nový svetový poriadok po dominancii Západu

07.11.2024 20:14

Nasledujúcich dvadsať rokov môže byť pre ľudstvo zložitejší ako posledné dve desiatky rokov, povedal Putin v diskusnom klube Valdaj.

Český minister Jan Lipavský

Lipavský: Čas obnoviť spoločné rokovania so slovenskou vládou ešte nenastal

07.11.2024 20:00

Zatiaľ ešte nenastal čas, aby Česko obnovilo medzivládne konzultácie so slovenskou vládou, ktoré ČR prerušila tento rok v marci.

Andrej Kiska

„Oklamal občanov, dehonestoval úrad“. Koaliční poslanci odsúdili konanie Kisku

07.11.2024 18:01, aktualizované: 18:13

Exprezidenta súd uznal za vinného v daňovej kauze.


Biden odovzdá Trumpovi moc „pokojne a usporiadane“

07.11.2024 17:54

Donald Trump sa po štyroch rokoch vráti do Bieleho domu.

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