
Differentiation is the evolutionary process of creating distinct elements or parts within a system. This process is essential for the emergence of diversity, individuality, and complexity. Differentiation allows for the specialization of parts and the introduction of novel features and functions within a system, contributing to its adaptability and evolution. However, when differentiation is not accompanied by adequate integration, it can lead to dissociation, where the distinct parts become disconnected from the larger system, losing sight of their interdependence and role within the whole.

 Rays like Razors


Stare into my heart With rays like razors Cutting my eyes into half And see these depths in devastating order When transgression is reached There is nothing I cannot see, nor hear, nor feel And my body is closed to the foreign void of reason As if I’d never be part of what is called „state-of-the-art“ Let us cease to exist when we hear your voice Let us cease to exist when we [...]

I Burn Within You


You speak from dark corners Where we find ourselves in When hours are drifting from above the sky In your domain, time is dissolved, Leaving but liquid that dances, radiant with none And your words echo in our mind Not among bones and flesh But within darkness that hides beneath our eyelids Where we find our true self Revealing not one spark of your enigma Yet there are hints of your presence [...]

 Qadmon’s Heir


And we did pray for the rising tide To swallow our daughters and sons For the rotten to spread out their seed While we built this kingdom And crowned our kings And we did pray for dystopia, searing the flesh of the earth Under the flag of brightening word and ideal Creation’s crowning glory, standing strong and proud It may be blind but blessed In itself dead but living And we are indeed [...]

USA VoľbyUSA24 Prezidentské Voľby Trump Kampaň

Slovenka žijúca v USA o voľbách prezidenta: V noci ma zobudili delobuchy. Keď volila dcéra, personál v miestnosti skandoval

07.11.2024 17:00

Trumpova politika môže nabúrať plány aj krajanom žijúcim v USA, myslí si Slovenka.

Rudolf Huliak, Andrej Danko

SNS: Hrubé verejné vystupovanie a arogantné správanie Huliaka ubližuje národnej politike

07.11.2024 16:10

Predsedníctvo zároveň vníma konanie Huliaka ako snahu o rozbitie národných síl.

Kamil Šaško

Šaško odvolá riaditeľa Národnej transplantačnej organizácie Kubu, keď za neho bude mať náhradu

07.11.2024 15:59

Minister vyhlásil, že sa u riaditeľa sa potvrdil konflikt záujmov.


Zdravotné sestry žiadajú plán stabilizácie a varujú pred kolapsom. Šaško: Vytvárate zbytočné napätie

07.11.2024 15:37, aktualizované: 16:47

Vyše 55 % zdravotníckych sestier a pôrodných asistentiek je vo veku od 50 do 60 rokov.

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