Sloboda od slobodnej vôle, alebo sloboda k slobodnej vôli? Keby prírde ten spasiteľ, ktorý nás oslobodí od slobodnej vôle? ktorú ´slobodu´ si vyberáš? máš na výber? Boh nás nestvoril slobodnými , ale nevinnými nakoľko slobodu sme zakúsili až jedením zo stromu dobra a zla vďaka čomu sme fakticky dobro a zlo poznali. Sloboda sa mimo dobro a zlo nenacháda?
“The man of fascism is an individual who is nation and homeland, a moral law which binds individuals and generations together in a tradition and a mission, which suppresses the instinct of life enclosed in the brief circle of pleasure to establish a superior life in duty free from the limits of time and space: a life in which the individual, through self-abnegation, the sacrifice of his [...]
Hmm? Does the sun count as part of all biological processes, since it is necessary for life to exist? I say yes. Everything that takes place in the physical universe is part of the symbiotic processes of life and death. I don’t think this means we need to worship the universe , or the sun , nor should we worship our heart or lungs , but it’s obvious that life is at least just as dependent [...]
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