The Anunnaki. ..

The god of the Bible today and all religions is the Anunnaki. I personally do not and will not ever worship any religion or any god associated with any book or religion. Why you might asked:
For those of you who are into the Annunaki history this is specifically how the Anunnaki altered our genomes to make us an enslaved race.
The Annunaki is an incredibly Advanced Society, in fact, they can incarnate at wil. We had much longer life spans before the Anunnaki came around. They altered our genome around 200 and $250,000 years ago. They took our chromosome number two, fused it together and put telomere caps on each end to make us age faster and have a shorter lifespan. They also inserted or activated what is called the worship Gene. The worship Gene is a real Gene recently discovered by scientists and biologist. The worship Gene makes us more prone to worship and give offerings to gods.
Another reason why the Annunaki shortened our lifespan is that it takes centuries to gain enlightenment and be able to Incarnate at will and become more advanced and wise as they are. Within doing this they realized that we would never have the lifespan to achieve our karmic lesson to enlightenment, but rather to keep our souls enslaved and reincarnating over and over and over again on this prison planet as free slaves forever. Does that sound like an all loving god of today’s Bible/religion.
Fortunately for us we’re starting to get out of this slave karmic cycle (Prison Planet ) and have healing tools and healing modalities like past life aggression, Reiki, meditation Etc to assist within such a short lifespan.
Unfortunately we share a A binary Planet system With the Anunnaki and they will return. Question is, will you be ready..

božia sloboda vôle k samovražde. .. .. ..


Sloboda od slobodnej vôle, alebo sloboda k slobodnej vôli? Keby prírde ten spasiteľ, ktorý nás oslobodí od slobodnej vôle? ktorú ´slobodu´ si vyberáš? máš na výber? Boh nás nestvoril slobodnými , ale nevinnými nakoľko slobodu sme zakúsili až jedením zo stromu dobra a zla vďaka čomu sme fakticky dobro a zlo poznali. Sloboda sa mimo dobro a zlo nenacháda?

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