perhaps insane cannot perceive their own actual good anyway

Well, I guess it is about defying the odds rather than perfectionism….fragments and Probabilities are kind of ruthless you know?

Perhaps there’s a difference between being faulty and having a desire for power… If some one is faulty and then society cripples them further then pretends that it didn’t have anything to do with it.
Well…. That’s kind of not god’s fault in this case
There are human made mistakes, calling up the snowball argument doesn’t reflect a healthy human with freewill
Like, if you have grievances, just vent it out on something else
There are things you can blame on god but there are things that you cannot blame god for in a sense
Because it is more logical to prevent things from falling apart rather than to blame it on someone else… Perhaps it would’ve been wiser for their own good too
But perhaps the insane cannot perceive their own actual good anyway 

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