Katie Kamara; gift (Alan Watts)

The greatest gift you will ever offer someone is far more precious than anything wrapped in ribbon or bought with wealth. It’s the silent permission you give them to feel safe in their own skin, to breathe without fear, and to embrace their true essence without the need to shrink or apologize. It’s the quiet, unspoken acknowledgment that they are worthy, not because of what they do, but because of who they are, in all their imperfect, raw humanity.
To gift someone the feeling of being enough is to hold up a mirror not to what they lack but to the brilliance they already possess. It is to strip away the layers of doubt and insecurity that the world has cast upon them, allowing them to see themselves clearly for the first time, radiant and whole. They no longer need to strive or perform in your presence, for you have created a space where their soul can rest, where they are loved for simply being.
This gift is not loud or grand; it doesn’t announce itself with fanfare. It is a whisper in the quiet moments, a gentle reassurance when their confidence wavers, a steady hand when they feel unsteady. You give them permission to stand tall in their own truth, knowing that they are not too much or too little. They are, and profoundly, enough.
When you offer this gift, you become the light in their darkest corners, the warmth in their coldest doubts. You become the one who sees them, truly sees them, beyond the masks they wear for the world. And in your seeing, they begin to believe in themselves again, trust in their own worthiness, and know that they don’t have to earn love—they already deserve it.
This is the gift that changes everything. It is the gift of belonging, of being seen and held without judgment, of being allowed to take up space in the world as they are. In giving this gift, you are telling them, with every action and word, that they are whole, worthy, and enough. And that is a gift that no one can take away.
„Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.“ (Alan Watts)
If you take this life and what happens to you seriously, you create judgments and expectations about it. You become attached to the experience in a way that prevents you from actually experiencing it.
This world owes you nothing. It has no notions of being pleasant for anyone. Having serious expectations of comfort in a world not designed for comfort, can lead only to depression and madness.



Predstava, žeby bolo bývalo lepšie nikdy nebyť sa stretáva s najvetším nepochopením u tých, ktorí nám kladú najviac opozície. Každý človek, ktorý sám seba vidí iba z vnútra si myslí, že nie je postrádateľný, každý človek sa vidí v totalite, v absolútnej celosti, ako celý. V moment keď sa identifikujeme ako so svojím bytím úplní sme ako boh, reagujeme ako boh. [...]

moja finálna agónia?


ukazuješ na mňa prstom hovoríš nič v zlom ani dobrom po tvojom nech je teda ďalej tu bude bieda strieda rada? čo povieš rozumbrada? taká je tvoja zásada? trýzeň sa mi stala existenciou rochním sa v blate ako v hmote, ktorá ma ako molitan dusí? nie som bohužial Peter pan len nechcel som byť tak celkom sám v tomto boji denno dennom rozpoložení neformenom bezduchom tanci smrti [...]

kým on reve, že moje týranie je to orechové pravé, a pod slnkom nič nové. .. .. ..


Z rajskej záhrady som bol expresne deportovaný do psychiatrického pekla, kde ´pán´vrešťal, že do mňa to žena neřekla, že pod jeho paprčami zhorím do tla, keď zbúra moje sebavedomie on a jeho rúra…Reval, že pre ´dobro humanity´ budem od nej separovaný, lebo som mu nedal ´pol slova´do bitky a to mi ´zazlieva´, keď mi psychiater do hlavy choré rozumčeky nalieva, [...]

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Kremnické bane boli štyri hodiny úplne uzatvorené, vyťahovali skrížený kamión

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Zhabaná marihuana za 1,5 milióna eur v peci neskončí. Taliani ju musia vrátiť do Česka

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