gllles Deleuze,

gllles Deleuze, a pioneering French philosopher of the 20th century, was a major figure in post-structuralist and postmodern philosophy, known for his complex ideas on individuality, difference, and desire. In his quote on charm and madness, Deleuze speaks to a deeply human element—that our most magnetic qualities come from the parts of ourselves that are, in a sense, uncontrollable or unpredictable. For Deleuze, this “unhinged side” is not something to be hidden or remedied but rather an essential part of what makes us unique and lovable. This perspective reflects a broader philosophical stance within Deleuze’s work, where he challenges traditional views of identity, reason, and selfhood, pushing for an understanding of the self as fluid, dynamic, and profoundly shaped by unconscious drives.
Deleuze’s collaboration with psychoanalyst Félix Guattari on works like Anti-Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980) deepened his exploration of madness and charm. Together, they critiqued classical psychoanalytic approaches that labeled behaviors outside societal norms as “madness” or “neurosis,” arguing instead that society itself imposed restrictive structures that could limit the full expression of individual potential. For Deleuze, the “madness” within people was not something that needed curing; it was an indication of their potential to transcend societal norms, break boundaries, and discover new realms of self-expression. This insight aligned him with the French avant-garde movement, which sought freedom from traditional forms and celebrated the complexity of human experience.
The idea that charm lies within this madness also resonates with Deleuze’s concepts of “becoming” and “difference,” where he suggests that identity is never stable. Instead, people are in a constant state of transformation, and it is precisely in the moments when they lose themselves—when they step beyond the predictable—that they become most authentically themselves. This notion connects with Deleuze’s admiration for literary and artistic figures who embraced their own madness to create works of deep originality and emotional impact. Figures like Antonin Artaud and Vincent van Gogh, who dealt with mental instability yet produced groundbreaking art, held particular fascination for Deleuze, who saw in them an embodiment of this authentic charm.
In understanding Deleuze’s perspective on madness, charm, and love, one gains a new lens to view human relationships and individuality. He believed that the ability to recognize and appreciate a person’s “mad” side—the part that is unguarded and vulnerable—is essential to truly knowing and loving them. Rather than seeing madness as a flaw, Deleuze invites us to view it as a profound, beautiful expression of individuality, a place where creativity, passion, and true connection reside.

cítil som, že na takúto bolesť nemám bunky


…….. chcel by som na tom niečo zmeniť, ale jednostaj pretrváva ten pocit, že som nepovedel z mosta do prosta nič na ostatok bol chaos, ktorý som neustál stratil som ideu pneumu umanutú prišiel na ranu bola škoda hrkútať neviem upútať hútal som zaodený akoby to bol sen a ja sa nezobúdzam z núdze hľadal som medze ale z ruky mi nikto nezobal preto mi dali na hlavu [...]



cesta sťa tento život z, ktorého ma vysťahoval ako ´samovraha´ ma zoval musel som to zochabiť stál ako socha oni ma prišli zabiť vábničky som sláb nemám koníčky iba výčitky za svoje vyčíňanie oni ma vycvičili nabic hic a holá ric machiavelliho strach z diaľav nemožný stav, ktorý ľudia vidia bojím sa otvoriť hubu nesproboval som sa dopátrať lesa rúk nasadili mi do [...]

chronický disorder


diametrálny rozdiel vo vnímaní existencia stracená k mání prišlo zneuznání pneumy priam vyumelkovaná nána pred telkou hlavu sklání, aby predišla klání rozhání mračná zázračná nad vecou sebespytovaní strach to nahání usebrání pán žebrá s brachiosaurom machiavellika to nebola moje klika od hospodina sedmospáča ranné vtáča ma nevytáča oddelím zarno od plevy [...]

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