from the same or like motives
26. októbra 2024 11:53,
Prečítané 19x,
If my life be not my own, it were criminal for me to put it in danger, as well as to dispose of it. Nor could one man deserve the appellation of hero, whom glory or friendship transports into the greatest dangers, and another merit the reproach of wretch or miscreant who puts a period to his life, from the same or like motives
vo zviera moja chiméra v režime pučí z péra krev a séme drapéria peria z chlievu prasnice oni sa myšlienky vynoria ale na dno je to ešte kúsok cesty chlape ono to v tebe drieme keď, ale nie si pokope a hlas ti po hlase ziape ono to šľape ľapčibúdka nevie kam z konope
v mojej hlave úsmevy krivé pomstychtivé dych druhý, ktorý ma oblapil ale ja sa nepochlapil na šikmej ploche ma z ničoho-nič zdrapil odrazu kvapil pri nešťastia troche na mňa naďabil aby ma zabil … Dobrota býva len zneužívaná a nikdy nie je opätovaná.. bojím sa čo i len zamyslieť v akej som duševnej nepohode, život doslova strácam deň čo deň. Niť nejakého [...]
why do you only find meaning in suffering? Do you think you’re being punished? Yes\ punished for living? Why? What makes you feel this way? If you think there is no meaning in life then why should there be meaning in suffering, since that’s a part of life? Do you think a butterfly thinks it suffers as it wiggles from it’s cocoon? Do you think a seed thinks it’s suffering as it sprouts [...]
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