sing -le

It’s a widespread misconception that being single equals loneliness. Many assume that those who are single must be craving companionship, constantly weighed down by solitude. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, being single can be a powerful chapter of self-discovery, empowerment, and pure joy. It’s a time to nurture the most essential relationship of all—the one with yourself, which lays the groundwork for every other connection in your life. Being single offers a rare and valuable opportunity to truly learn how to care for yourself. It’s about discovering what lights you up, exploring your passions, and defining the life you want to create. It’s the realization that you are already complete. You don’t need someone else to fill a perceived void because there is no void to fill. Your happiness and fulfillment come from within, not from anything external. Taking yourself out to dinner, treating yourself to new clothes, and reveling in your own company are expressions of self-love and self-worth. They show that you respect yourself enough to celebrate who you are. This self-care isn’t just about indulging in material pleasures; it’s about nourishing your soul, knowing your value, and setting the standard for how you expect to be treated by others. When you learn how to meet your own needs, companionship becomes an option, not a necessity. This doesn’t mean rejecting relationships but approaching them from a place of wholeness rather than need. You choose to share your time with others because you genuinely enjoy their presence, not because you fear being alone. This shift fosters healthier, more fulfilling relationships rooted in mutual respect and authentic connection instead of dependence. Additionally, being single provides the freedom to focus on personal growth. It’s a time to chase your passions, set and achieve your goals, and actively design the life you desire. With this space for reflection and self-improvement, you can gain profound insights into who you are and what you want from life. The journey of self-discovery during this time can be life-changing, building a foundation for deeper fulfillment. Society often places pressure on individuals to be in relationships, as if being single is just a waiting period that must be remedied. But the truth is, being single is a legitimate and deeply rewarding choice. It’s not merely a stopover on the way to something else—it’s a whole, beautiful experience in itself. By embracing your singleness with pride and joy, you challenge societal norms and inspire others to recognize the beauty in being alone. Ultimately, the relationship you cultivate with yourself sets the tone for all others. When you learn to love and care for yourself, you radiate confidence and a sense of wholeness in your interactions. This inner strength is magnetic and inspiring. By being fulfilled in your own right, you show that true contentment is something that comes from within, and relationships, when they happen, are a wonderful addition—not a requirement—for happiness. So, embrace your single status. Celebrate your independence and the joy you find in your own company. Remember, you are not alone on this path; many others discover immense fulfillment in being single. See this time as an opportunity to deepen your connection with yourself, and trust that the right relationships will arrive in their own time. In the meantime, live boldly, love yourself fiercely, and savor every moment of your incredible, unique life.

cítil som, že na takúto bolesť nemám bunky


…….. chcel by som na tom niečo zmeniť, ale jednostaj pretrváva ten pocit, že som nepovedel z mosta do prosta nič na ostatok bol chaos, ktorý som neustál stratil som ideu pneumu umanutú prišiel na ranu bola škoda hrkútať neviem upútať hútal som zaodený akoby to bol sen a ja sa nezobúdzam z núdze hľadal som medze ale z ruky mi nikto nezobal preto mi dali na hlavu [...]



cesta sťa tento život z, ktorého ma vysťahoval ako ´samovraha´ ma zoval musel som to zochabiť stál ako socha oni ma prišli zabiť vábničky som sláb nemám koníčky iba výčitky za svoje vyčíňanie oni ma vycvičili nabic hic a holá ric machiavelliho strach z diaľav nemožný stav, ktorý ľudia vidia bojím sa otvoriť hubu nesproboval som sa dopátrať lesa rúk nasadili mi do [...]

chronický disorder


diametrálny rozdiel vo vnímaní existencia stracená k mání prišlo zneuznání pneumy priam vyumelkovaná nána pred telkou hlavu sklání, aby predišla klání rozhání mračná zázračná nad vecou sebespytovaní strach to nahání usebrání pán žebrá s brachiosaurom machiavellika to nebola moje klika od hospodina sedmospáča ranné vtáča ma nevytáča oddelím zarno od plevy [...]

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