„Researchers find that neuroimaging results are unable to distinguish between the brains of depressed people and healthy controls.
chemical imbalance theory has been debunked long time ago. Even psychiatrists themselves don’t uphold it either any longer.
What is “mental health” though?
Most definitions revolve around the degree to which an individual is trained to accept the reality of life, as society defines it – comply, work, spend, consume, breed etc.
A rejection of that to the point of being unable to participate in it, is deemed mental illness.
Depression and anxiety, in my view, are not illnesses, but unavoidable reactions to an almost allergic response to the expectations and demands of an insanely pointless and terrifying reality. 
I regularly find myself feeling sad, when my conditions have not changed from one day to the next. The only thing that has changed is my internal focus on my awareness of my mortality, or the fact that I have thought about my dad that I lost, or other people I know who are sick, or any of the other myriad of things that happen to us in life, or will happen. So a lot of people would say, why are you feeling sad when nothing has changed from one day to the next? But I say that I am sad because today, I’m feeling more aware whereas yesterday, I managed to distract myself from reality a little bit more effectively.
 yet I would say that you are suffering from external reasons. That life is not all is well. I would say mental illness is being sad without any specific reason.
It may also be the case that you are an antinatalist/pessimit therefore you are suffering from those things. But I have seen some/many people who claim that they are sad for no reason. I think such people may reasonably fit into the category called as Mentally ill.
´reason´ came to the world by default, Nietzsche
Wanting to die can be totally based on rational reasons and suicide can be attempted in complete consciousness
I was not asking about rationality behind it or consciousness.
Even Mentally ill people are able to think & act rationally & consciously.
I am not interested in arguing what is mental illness. My post was about different topic.
 well you asked if those who aren’t mentally ill can attempt suicide, then i guess you should first see what mental illness means to you. These topics are not limited to be known by scientists or psychologist, it affects our lives so drastically, i think everyone should think about it. Anyways best of luck with finding the answer you’re longing for!
according to professor Thomas Joiner all(100%) people who commit suicide or feel suicidal are mentally ill including terminally ill patients who opt for legalized euthanasia in countries where it’s legal. In other words, according to him, it’s not technically possible to be suicidal without being mentally ill.
in my country and many parts of the world persons commit suicide because of relationships, love relationships gone awry many murder suicides, in nearby Guyana many commit suicide for economic reasons, no job unemployment etc, some because of ill health, the unavailability of medicines, or money to purchase , daily pill taking, the unbearable pain, they are a burden to their family , some because of weariness of life, some have physical disabilities … mental illness is treatable and yes it could be just one reason … are jihad, suicid€ b0mb€rs mentally ill? No … I wonder about your qualifications on this matter..
Are you doing a research paper of some sort and gathering qualitative data ? As I said my sister in law had euthanasia last month in the Netherlands, she was not mentally ill, I was there, her body was ravaged by cancer and her drugs no longer worked and she was in immense pain, as a well educated, traveled human being who enjoyed a very good quality life, she didn’t want to lose herself to a disease and was able to exit this life on her own terms…
please read my original comment. What i said was same. SUICIDE CAN BE COMPLETELY RATIONAL which means you don’t necessarily have to be irrational or mentally ill to commit it. You’re so right about other reasons. That was my original point. I’m truly sorry for your loss. I hope you cope up with it well. What i meant in comment above is that mental illness is the most common reason, don’t remember exact statistics but in India 80% people who attempt suicide are mentally ill. That was my point
Nobody is „mentally healthy“ at this time. Everything can affect the mental state, whether a chemical substance or society. Or etc…
Proč ne, akorát bych doplnil k tomu rozumu slovo částečný. Rozum je instrument dílčího výstupu.

človek hľadá seba a miesto seba nájde teba.Subjectivism is the guarantee that man invents for himself when he stops believing in God.

subjektivizmus garantuje, ze clovek vynalieza sam pre seba ked prestava verit v Boha.

colacho Vynález jakožto věc nalezená, nikoli stvořená negarantuje naprosto nic

a subjekt už vůbec!



transmisia panstvo sa smeje niekde v tvári humanity omilostenej ideje ktorú mu venuje nie je to sen deklaruje z pekla v, ktorom šaleje roztrhnutý vo dvoje .. Keď je človek odkázaný na Boha asi nemá veľmi na výber. … zavreli sa za mnou dvere ta, kde nikto za mnou nemôže moje ja sa s tým už nepere išlo v zlých stopách a v zlom smere aj tak mu to nikto nežere po [...]

umenie samovraždy


slová slová ťarcha prchavá vrch, ktorý nabila plešivá speváčka mámi ma v jej tieni hniezdočko vtáčka nechytačka druhý dych makačka mačka vyškriabe jej oči lebo človek mieni a boh mení nič na samovražde není tak prečo pení? sa mu z kečky plešatej herečky? prečo toľko gení? Satanove bečky? je toto zrení? ..



rácia despondencia kadencia utilitarizovaného stavu kreácia nezmar sa plaší kde-kade iba v tejto krutovláde sprvu postráda vodítko dítko šťasteny? smietko života a štyri steny … hřbitovní kvítí slunce svítí je mi k zblití z toho žití nežití než sa namaniem už tu nie som nebudem keď ma to chytí do hĺbky sa otrasiem toto čití niť po, ktorej [...]

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