
The reason that I regard Metzinger as one of the best philosophers of our time is because he has manage to incorporate neuroscience, eastern and western philosophy regarding deconstucting the myth of the supposed self as an assunption and pressuposition in the context of not only phenomenology but also how it functions as to simulate and maintain a mental model/representation that is not true, but is rendered possible by a series of events so you can have a virtual subjective experience which also models the rest of the world with you being an avatar.
He could have done a better job being more vocal about antinatalism, considering the fact that we are mere biological constructs who do nothing but represent the world through our sensory systems so we can needlessly suffer and die, just because nature determined it, so she can have more puppets to utllize as they are totally unaware of how the system functions, because like Metzinger said many times by using the window analogy/metaphor, we don’t see the window (he was refering to the transparent property/phenomenology of the self model) and we see through it, because our brain is a VR ontology engine which boots the entire thing so we can be naive realists not only about the world, but also about „ourselves“ as another mental constuct.
That’s why everything in nature is a cruel and crude joke, since all evolution does is finding way to model the organism into forms and then make them model the world so they can function within it as they navigate towards their inevitable demise.
That’s why ascetisism is far more superior intellectually and meta cognitively, since it informs one to abstain from this matrix of chaos, misery and confusion, yet the rest are immersed in this idiocy and vanity simply because they are not only ignorant but they incarnate the stupidity of nature regarding their interaction with the world and their contribution to the expansion of sufering, since if we contrast this with Buddist monlks, without any religious dogma and bias, we can see that they were far more advanced metametacognitively to the point of rejection and negation when it comes to the phenomenology and assumption of the self.
Even Jidhu Krishnamurti has also state it many times that there is no such thing as a self, rather the self is a sum of ideas, experiences, memories, knowledge etc, all compiled and maintained, since there are all product of though, and once thought ceases, they all cease as well as a consequence, since they are all simulations and mental representations which also add to one’s own misery as they are being perpetuated.
Thank you nature.



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