na severe vo sne

prebrodíš tú plytkú

riečku lebo práve nič
lepšie nenapadne
lezieš na lúku
, snaží sa ťa zbaviť všetok hmyz
pod tebou to hučí
ten hluk nesieš zodpovednosť
niekto to zaplatil; chips and tonic bionic jahodami , drsne
na severe
vo sne

we are r


— we are responsive to reasons and are able to give relatively accurate explanations of our behavior in terms of reasons, just as we are capable of consciously planning behavior and deliberately thinking about particular topics. Here you can read more about



Some philosophers believe that free will is real, and determinism is not real, they are called metaphysical libertarians. Essentially, they believe that free will includes everything compatibilists believe it includes, but they also believe that our choices must be undetermined in order to be free. Some believe that free choices stem from quantum events in the brain, some believe that mind is a [...]

The providence of the Deity


The providence of the Deity appears not immediately in any operation, but governs everything by those general and immutable laws, which have been established from the beginning of time. All events, in one sense, may be pronounced the action of the Almighty. They all proceed from those powers with which he has endowed his creatures. A house which falls by its own weight, is not brought to ruin by [...]

Libanon Hizballáh Izrael útoky letecké Kaná obete

Izrael útočil na predmestí Bejrútu i juhu Libanonu, zasiahol budovu radnice

16.10.2024 15:10

Armáda tvrdí, že v Bejrúte zasiahla sklad zbraní.

Robert Fico

Fico mal odísť do Bruselu, let tesne pred odchodom presunuli. Dôvod nie je známy

16.10.2024 14:02

Úrad vlády bližšie informácie neposkytol.


Ruina uprostred mesta. Takto vyzerá garážový dom v bratislavskom Ružinove vyše dva roky po požiari

16.10.2024 13:44

Po jeho uhasení umožnili sprístupnenie niektorých priestorov na ich vypratanie, ale len tých, pri ktorých to dovoľovala statika.

vrbetice výbuch česko

Desať rokov od výbuchu: Vrbětice sú mementom, že Rusi nemajú žiadne zábrany. Nezabúdame, odkazujú Česi

16.10.2024 13:26

Zlu sa nesmie ustupovať, uviedol premiér Petr Fiala pri tejto príležitosti.

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