1 2 3 4 5

2,3/vrcholec platana

jeden zlý, druhý horší
tretí nevšímavý
autistická remíza
blues jednoduchosti
,slečna nebezpečná
cigareta už x-tá, slovné úlohy
šach s dvoma kockami
punk na jedenástu dobu
tri trigramy, kráčaj
s tigrami

The providence of the Deity


The providence of the Deity appears not immediately in any operation, but governs everything by those general and immutable laws, which have been established from the beginning of time. All events, in one sense, may be pronounced the action of the Almighty. They all proceed from those powers with which he has endowed his creatures. A house which falls by its own weight, is not brought to ruin by [...]

If suicide be criminal, it must be a transgression of our duty either to God, our neighbour, or ourselves.


If suicide be criminal, it must be a transgression of our duty either to God, our neighbour, or ourselves. . I may add that though death alone can put a full period to his misery, he dares not fly to this refuge, but still prolongs a miserable existence from a vain fear lest he offend his Maker by using the power with which that beneficent being has endowed him. The presents of God and [...]

prognostications of future calamities


It will here be superfluous to magnify the merits of philosophy by displaying the pernicious tendency of that vice of which it cures the human mind. The superstitious man, says Tully, is miserable in every scene, in every incident in life.¹⁷ Even sleep itself, which banishes all other cares of unhappy mortals, affords to him matter of new terror, while he examines his dreams, and finds in [...]

turecko zemetrasenie

Východom Turecka otriaslo zemetrasenie s magnitúdou 5,9

16.10.2024 12:08

Doposiaľ neboli hlásené žiadne straty na životoch.

Vlak / Vlaková súprava / Železnice /

Progresívci žiadajú ministra dopravy zvrátiť rušenie IC vlakov, chystajú petíciu

16.10.2024 12:04

Témou sa bude zaoberať aj Výbor Národnej rady SR pre verejnú správu a regionálny rozvoj.

Švajčiarsko Ukrajina Summit Mierový uarus

Zelenskyj odhaľuje plán víťazstva, má päť bodov a tri tajné dodatky

16.10.2024 11:44

Prvý bod je podľa webu geopolitický, druhý a tretí vojenský, štvrtý sa týka ekonomiky a piaty je bezpečnostný.

volavka popolava naivasha kena divocina jazero

Vo Veľkej Fatre potvrdili vírus vtáčej chrípky

16.10.2024 11:40

Volavku našli v intraviláne obce Dubové v okrese Turčianske Teplice.

Štatistiky blogu

Počet článkov: 1,054
Celková čítanosť: 259430x
Priemerná čítanosť článkov: 246x

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