
Work is one of the many reasons why I’m an antinatalist. Our education system tries to inculcate students with critical thinking skills, curiosity, creativity, and a love of learning…and then after graduation, we’re forced into uninspiring, tedious, meaningless jobs that require none of these things. What a joke. The amount of suffering – both mental and physical – caused by work is mind-blowing.
I’m nearing the halfway point of my time in college, and I really don’t know what I’m going to do when I finish my degree. Without children, I won’t have too many expenses, so I may be able to just work part-time and live like a minimalist, but I’m not 100% sure this will work financially.
What do all of you think of work and 9-5 jobs, and what do you do for a living?

. . Those are my people, beyond every color or language or place they come from!


Those who understand that these parties are not just a simple dance night, but a total gateway to knowledge in the mystic and the occult, those who understand how little we know and how many lives it takes to dig everything, those who understand that human is the only species dissatisfied of its own existence but we try to achieve this satisfaction, those who understand that thinking is the [...]

alway struggled


i have alway struggled ,with sole intention of ceasing to struggle. Result; zero. Lucky those who are unaware that to mature is to witness the aggravation excavation of our incoherencies, and that this is the only progress we should be allowed to boast of.

we are r


— we are responsive to reasons and are able to give relatively accurate explanations of our behavior in terms of reasons, just as we are capable of consciously planning behavior and deliberately thinking about particular topics. Here you can read more about

Michal Šimečka / Dana Kleinert / Zora Jaurová /

Jaurová iniciovala poslanecké prieskumy v SND a SNG. Vládne v nich pochmúrna atmosféra, tvrdí

16.10.2024 16:22

Nepremyslené zmeny v ich vedení spôsobili chaos, vnútorný rozvrat a narastajúcu nedôveru medzi vedením a zamestnancami, uviedla poslankyňa.


Tlak na Moskvu? Dubajgrad funguje, krajiny Perzského zálivu Európskej únii s Ruskom asi veľmi nepomôžu

16.10.2024 15:34

V Bruseli sa dnes stretávajú predstavitelia Európskej únie so zástupcami krajín Perzského zálivu.

Libanon Hizballáh Izrael útoky letecké Kaná obete

Izrael útočil na predmestí Bejrútu i juhu Libanonu, zasiahol budovu radnice

16.10.2024 15:10

Armáda tvrdí, že v Bejrúte zasiahla sklad zbraní.

Robert Fico

Fico mal odísť do Bruselu, let tesne pred odchodom presunuli. Dôvod nie je známy

16.10.2024 14:02, aktualizované: 15:35

Úrad vlády bližšie informácie neposkytol.

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