anima, free will, human nature. .. .. ..

No, anima is something individual

like you mean women´s image in man?
some kind of ideal that completes him?
Like some parts of a puzzle
Unconscious collective
does that make us strive to fulfil roles of man and woman?
Of course, the man’s role to provide & protect and the woman’s role to nurture
true; so this anima helps us find our place?figure out who we are?
It’s rather a guide or a force to anchor us in 3D
how does that work in your opinion?
 You are programmed to survive once you’re alive
And gather resources for that
You need basics first, safety
And then your brain develops into consciousness if those needs are fulfilled
But because evolution is unequal and most humans are just on survival mode, that’s why the main confusion: what are we? Animals guided by impulses, or spiritually developed beings? Or both?
animals with human nature?
Human nature is also animalic, we prey on others to survive
can i then say that ´human nature´ is basically made of animalistic instincts like survival ?
Exactly.. Add to that the expectations of higher morality and ethics, which are never truly fulfilled
do you believe in objective morality?
no;It’s politics; It’s a trap
People can do whatever nature allows them
And nature is cruel & doesn’t care
Morals in society are merely based on power (I.e. You don’t hurt others because a greater power would hurt you after)
So it’s the consequences that stop us
 (That’s why the brain dead people behave in a certain way, they lack this kind of judgement)
do you believe in categorical imperative like do onto others like u want to be done to u?
No. Everyone puts themselves first, the best actor gets the most benefits. It’s rather „do onto others like you want & expect others to do what you want“
Unless you’re lucky to have decent parents and few long time friends, no one really cares unless you can provide something
u just describe my situation and i fully agree
It’s universal
Human nature
Also the quality of a man consists in the concordance between what they say and what they do, so you have to observe carefully
  true; of course; Nietzsche said; ´person lies with his words, but how his mouth moves he still says the truth´. 



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slová slová ťarcha prchavá vrch, ktorý nabila plešivá speváčka mámi ma v jej tieni hniezdočko vtáčka nechytačka druhý dych makačka mačka vyškriabe jej oči lebo človek mieni a boh mení nič na samovražde není tak prečo pení? sa mu z kečky plešatej herečky? prečo toľko gení? Satanove bečky? je toto zrení? ..



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