
Q;what do you mean by ´human nature´ exactly?
.A;vices, primary instincts, impulses, decadence,self-destruction
while pagan religions & judaism are embracing them as ceremonies, christianity is bashing them
me; interesting; never thought about it like that
google talmud ketubot 11b 6 & you’ll see what I’m talking about
Q; is there anything else you can think of with regards to human nature and christianity?
 A; actually became degenerated towards politics & I’m not interested anymore.. but old school christianity shared most of values with buddhism an ancient orthodox monks were using magic mushrooms for spiritual ascension.. now everyting got hijacked and ruined, the vatican child molesters kiss the lgbt on the lips & all praise the human decadence. so yeah, spirituality now is just individual, beyond every religion
The lives of men depend upon the same laws as the lives of all other animals, and these are subjected to the general laws of matter and motion. The fall of a tower, or the infusion of a poison, will destroy a man equally with the meanest creature. An inundation sweeps away every thing without distinction that comes within the reach of its fury. Since therefore the lives of men are forever dependent on the general laws of matter and motion, is a man’s disposing of his life criminal, because in every case it is criminal to encroach upon these laws, or disturb their operation? But this seems absurd. All animals are entrusted to their own prudence and skill for their conduct in the world, and have full authority as far as their power extends, to alter all the operations of nature. Without the exercise of this authority they could not subsist a moment. Every action, every motion of a man, innovates on the order of some parts of matter, and diverts from their ordinary course the general laws of motion. Putting together, therefore, these conclusions, we find that human life depends upon the general laws of matter and motion, and that it is no encroachment on the office of providence to disturb or alter these
general laws. Has not every one, of consequence, the free disposal of his own life? And may he not lawfully employ that power with which nature has endowed him?——

cítil som, že na takúto bolesť nemám bunky


…….. chcel by som na tom niečo zmeniť, ale jednostaj pretrváva ten pocit, že som nepovedel z mosta do prosta nič na ostatok bol chaos, ktorý som neustál stratil som ideu pneumu umanutú prišiel na ranu bola škoda hrkútať neviem upútať hútal som zaodený akoby to bol sen a ja sa nezobúdzam z núdze hľadal som medze ale z ruky mi nikto nezobal preto mi dali na hlavu [...]



cesta sťa tento život z, ktorého ma vysťahoval ako ´samovraha´ ma zoval musel som to zochabiť stál ako socha oni ma prišli zabiť vábničky som sláb nemám koníčky iba výčitky za svoje vyčíňanie oni ma vycvičili nabic hic a holá ric machiavelliho strach z diaľav nemožný stav, ktorý ľudia vidia bojím sa otvoriť hubu nesproboval som sa dopátrať lesa rúk nasadili mi do [...]

chronický disorder


diametrálny rozdiel vo vnímaní existencia stracená k mání prišlo zneuznání pneumy priam vyumelkovaná nána pred telkou hlavu sklání, aby predišla klání rozhání mračná zázračná nad vecou sebespytovaní strach to nahání usebrání pán žebrá s brachiosaurom machiavellika to nebola moje klika od hospodina sedmospáča ranné vtáča ma nevytáča oddelím zarno od plevy [...]

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