is buddhism a religion or philosophy. .. .. ..

(ik, “zero religious debate” but gotta post the long paragraph due to the m3at munching that going to be happen by the people I’m talking about)

This dude sounds like the one of those people who used to be christians who turned into buddhists, who can’t let go of the habit of following something merely validated among the primitive bunch, who can’t live without a shepherd, who would call themselves atheists but who follows a religion that hides behind the word philosophy.

In their defence,

buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion.

But buddha has claimed that he can remember his 500 past lives and that there is such a thing called “reincarnation” exists and in order to not be born again you have to follow his cult-ish practices to achieve nirvana plus that he literally can perform “abhinna siddhi” (that he can fly, hear things from a far away distance, that he can read people’s mind etc.)

In their defence,

buddha never claimed to be a god, none of them claims are true and those things were added by his followers, later on.

In that case can’t we say the same thing about Jesus? Like he said he could perform miracles and that he is the son of god, yet someone can argue that “no he did not claim to perform miracles that they were added fairly tales by his followers”. Yet don’t we poke fun at all of them fairly tales that comes with the subject?

But for the hypocrisy some of the same people who find catholic b3lifes fairly tales would sugarcoat buddh’s claim as “he didn’t say any of that“.

Buddha claimed to have abilities that he gained from meditation and manifestations he did for 500+ lives and Jesus claimed that he was the son of the god and that he could do miracles. Both of them were d3lusional end of the day with their personal d3lusions.

These claims are not made up claims by their followers. These are egoistic claims that those religious leaders made to gain followers or they were just simply d3lusional.

buddhism is a religion, it is not an atheist-ish philosophy. If you need cult-like teaching in order to have life from a dude who used to live 2500 years ago, who left his newborn and wife since he just had realised about the concept of “death” at 29 of age you’re just naive and have zero self-intuition.

There are born buddhists or people who became buddhist, And there are others who call themselves non-religious who need guidance from a shepherd since they lack self-intuition, yes the sheeps who claim that “buddhism is not a religion but philosophy”.



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slová slová ťarcha prchavá vrch, ktorý nabila plešivá speváčka mámi ma v jej tieni hniezdočko vtáčka nechytačka druhý dych makačka mačka vyškriabe jej oči lebo človek mieni a boh mení nič na samovražde není tak prečo pení? sa mu z kečky plešatej herečky? prečo toľko gení? Satanove bečky? je toto zrení? ..



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