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who is the Satan in this story

Today, our question for Christians is: They say God is love and good, but in the beginning, He created Satan. I want to explain how, based on the biblical story, the Christian god could be seen as Satan.

Example 1:

The Christian Trinity God created a being that He knew would disobey Him and mislead His beloved humans, yet He created this being anyway. Before creation, He knew this being would be Satan. So, who is the Satan in this story: the one who creates a being knowingly, or the one who disobeys due to anger or pride?

Example 2:

Suppose your mother knows that if she gives birth to you, you will disobey her commands and kill billions of people. Should she still give birth to you, while she’s knowing you will cause such harm?

Adam and Eve story:

Suppose your mother gave birth to you, and after some years, she told you not to go out of the room, but you disobeyed. Should your mother punish you and all your future generations for this disobedience?

So, who is the real Satan in this scenario? If any Christian thinks my post is not based on the biblical story, you can correct me.


There is a similar story in Islam, but the Islamic story actually seems more sensible and reflects reality. However, they should try to prove that the Adam and Eve story was real. It is also important to note that God isn’t Satan if He is real, although we don’t have evidence of God’s existence. The Bible authors presented the concept of God in this manner.



God did not create satan. The angel that became known as satan made himself a satan. Just like if you had a son, and that son became a rapist, you did not make him a rapist, he chose to be a rapist by giving into to wrong desires. Same with the angel who became satan. He started to desire what was not his (worship)…and he enticed eve to follow his lead. Jehovah created all his intelligent creatures with free will.



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