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Jean Baudrillard’s understanding of suicide.

I don’t remember anything in Bataille’s writing that addresses suicide. However, Bataille’s reworking of potlatch, utility, and sacrifice were important to Jean Baudrillard’s understanding of suicide. In essence, Baudrillard sees capitalist society “gifting” us our semiotics and general equivalent in the form of currency. This gift cannot be returned and “one-upped” so to speak in regards to the rules of potlatch. This makes all representation exist outside antagonism. The semiotic field we are gifted exists only for the utility of creating consumer culture. Suicide, or the Bataillean sacrifice, is a return of the gift in that it denies the semiotics and utility we have been gifted with. Basically, Baudrillard thought it was one of the only forms of antagonism to our world. I will have to say I don’t find his reasoning convincing. He also thought suicide bombers and mass murders would also usurp utility. However, these moments of tragedy only have the staying power equated to their media coverage.



A Filológia (Filo) is the physical manifistation of a creature’s ambitions, desires, and willpower. Beyond rare, it’s estimated by researchers that only one in 0.00047% of sentient lifeforms within the Astral Sea possess one. It’s unknown how those who attain Filo do so; only that those who do are often capable of changing the fates of millions throughout the Astral Sea. [...]

Slavoj Žižek, Hegel in a Wired Brain, 2020


“The standard definition of sublimation is the elevation of an ordinary object to the dignity of a Thing. As Lacan aptly demonstrated apropos courtly love, an ordinary object (woman) is there elevated to the dignity of the Thing, she becomes an ‘inhuman partner,’ dangerous to get too close to, always out of reach, mixing horror and respect.”

Mental illness is nothing but violence.


We are told that mental illness isn’t violent and that to suggest otherwise is to stigmatize those who suffer. I can’t imagine more offensive bullshit than this, especially since it often comes from the competent ill who have the luxury of framing the world’s perception of illness. Mental illness is nothing but violence. It perpetrates violence against your own mind. It hacks and burns and [...]

Šimečka, parlament, odvolávanie

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20.09.2024 06:00

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20.09.2024 06:00

SNS kritizovala nesplatené faktúry za miliardu eur v rezorte zdravotníctva. Súdny dvor EÚ rozhodol, že Slovensko pochybilo. Ministerka Dolinková už podľa svojich slov koná.


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Pred veľkou ruskou inváziou dokázala Ukrajina vyrábať 36 gigawattov elektrickej energie. Teraz je to už len deväť megawattov.

Ramzan Kadyrov, Tesla Cybertruck

Čečenský vodca Kadyrov sa sťažuje na Muska: Vypol mi Cybertruck

20.09.2024 04:40

Ramzan Kadyrov, vodca ruskej Čečenskej republiky, obvinil vo štvrtok Elona Muska, že odstavil jeho vozidlo Tesla Cybertruck.

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