– Gilles Deleuze

„We sometimes go on as though people can’t express themselves. In fact they’re always expressing themselves. The sorriest couples are those where the woman can’t be preoccupied or tired without the man saying “What’s wrong? Say something…,” or the man, without the woman saying … and so on.
Radio and television have spread this spirit everywhere, and we’re riddled with pointless talk, insane quantities of words and images.
Stupidity’s never blind or mute. So it’s not a problem of getting people to express themselves but of providing little gaps of solitude and silence in which they might eventually find something to say.
Repressive forces don’t stop people expressing themselves but rather force them to express themselves; what a relief to have nothing to say, the right to say nothing, because only then is there a chance of framing the rare, and ever rarer, thing that might be worth saying.
What we’re plagued by these days isn’t any blocking of communication, but pointless statements.
But what we call the meaning of a statement is its point. That’s the only definition of meaning, and it comes to the same thing as a statement’s novelty. You can listen to people for hours, but what’s the point? . . .
That’s why arguments are such a strain, why there’s never any point arguing. You can’t just tell someone what they’re saying is pointless. So you tell them it’s wrong. But what someone says is never wrong, the problem isn’t that some things are wrong, but that they’re stupid or irrelevant. That they’ve already been said a thousand times.
The notions of relevance, necessity, the point of something, are a thousand times more significant than the notion of truth. Not as substitutes for truth, but as the measure of the truth of what I’m saying.
It’s the same in mathematics: Poincaré used to say that many mathematical theories are completely irrelevant, pointless; He didn’t say they were wrong – that wouldn’t have been so bad.“

žobrák. .. .. .


mňa ovláda iba bolesť a nič iné;´slobodná vôľa´mnou ani nehne som ako v sne o agónii ktorú žijem je bezbrehá mráz mi z toho po chrbte behá keď si kurva so Satanom líha tá tíha spomienky doliehajú okolie ma odsudzuje bez servítky tie malé ľudské šverboritky môj nerv krváca nepriateľ ma k zemi sáca ostrie jeho pohľadu mi penetruje rozum život mi [...]

nikdy viac


trochu som sa ukľudnil keď sa svet konečne vyľudnil……… všetky zblúdilé duše, ktoré nezahrnuli láskou by sa hnuli cestou vyhynutia bez oka mihnutia skončil by krysý dostih na kope kostí a lebiek tých nešťastníkov uvrešťaných vietor zhodil by zo stromov lístie už by viac nikoho nezviedlo scestie…….

elf aka Petino.


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