ad infinitum.

„Determinism and the illusion of free will: Imagine I’m walking down the street and suddenly a car swerves out of control towards me. Not wanting to be hit by it, I jump out of the way. Did I make a free choice to jump? Well, sort of. I mean, I jumped because I wanted to. I wanted to avoid being hit, and that desire is entirely internal. But who wouldn’t want to avoid being hit? I mean, sure, I wanted to jump, but the cause of that desire was the car, something external. So although the immediate cause of my action was internal, ultimately the cause of my action was external. So I think it’s fair to say that I was forced to jump out of the way by something external to me – the car – and therefore I wasn’t acting freely. Well, if determinism is true, then it’s universally true, isn’t it? Every action you ever take is ultimately determined by something external to you. So even if there is some relevant difference between actions that originate internally and those that originate externally, if determinism is true, then all actions ultimately originate externally. There’s no such thing as an ultimately internally determined action, and therefore no such thing as free will, well, only the illusion of it. ——- A simplified version for those who didn’t understand the concept or find it difficult: The decision to jump out of the way of the car was not determined by your choice but by the car itself, and other inestimable causes, which in turn was determined by another cause, and another, ad infinitum. It’s actually not your choice to do so; that decision is just the illusion of free will. Even if you choose to jump in front of the car, that decision too is determined by the car itself,and other inestimable causes,which in turn was determined by another cause, and another, ad infinitum.“

cítil som, že na takúto bolesť nemám bunky


…….. chcel by som na tom niečo zmeniť, ale jednostaj pretrváva ten pocit, že som nepovedel z mosta do prosta nič na ostatok bol chaos, ktorý som neustál stratil som ideu pneumu umanutú prišiel na ranu bola škoda hrkútať neviem upútať hútal som zaodený akoby to bol sen a ja sa nezobúdzam z núdze hľadal som medze ale z ruky mi nikto nezobal preto mi dali na hlavu [...]



cesta sťa tento život z, ktorého ma vysťahoval ako ´samovraha´ ma zoval musel som to zochabiť stál ako socha oni ma prišli zabiť vábničky som sláb nemám koníčky iba výčitky za svoje vyčíňanie oni ma vycvičili nabic hic a holá ric machiavelliho strach z diaľav nemožný stav, ktorý ľudia vidia bojím sa otvoriť hubu nesproboval som sa dopátrať lesa rúk nasadili mi do [...]

chronický disorder


diametrálny rozdiel vo vnímaní existencia stracená k mání prišlo zneuznání pneumy priam vyumelkovaná nána pred telkou hlavu sklání, aby predišla klání rozhání mračná zázračná nad vecou sebespytovaní strach to nahání usebrání pán žebrá s brachiosaurom machiavellika to nebola moje klika od hospodina sedmospáča ranné vtáča ma nevytáča oddelím zarno od plevy [...]

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