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anger poem

in the cavern of my heart,
where shadows dance like whispers,
anger rises, a tempest brewing,
a fierce guardian clad in flames,
its heat a shield against the cold indifference
that creeps in like a thief in the night, some judge my anger but even the book many believe in says be angry but do not sin, for anger is the part that knows that evil should not win, its the emotion of righteousness.
I remember the moments,
the quiet betrayals, the unspoken words, the egregious acts of harm, the psychological games played to justify your ways
the way silence can carve a wound deeper
than any blade.
In those times,
anger became my armor,
a suit of jagged edges,
sharp enough to cut through
the suffocating fog of despair and hopelessness, perhaps it was my fiery rage that helped me survive another day.
It pulses in my veins,
a red river flowing,
a reminder that I am alive,
that I have boundaries,
that I will not be silenced.
When the world tries to mold me
into something soft,
something palatable & presentable to the masses
yet, I rise up,
a phoenix wrapped in flames,
my fury a beacon,
a declaration of my existence,
of my worth.
Anger is not the monster they say it is;
it is a wild horse, untamed,
charging through fields of doubt,
trampling the weeds of apathy.
It is my clear voice,
cutting through the dissonance,
a battle cry echoing in the void,
reminding me that I am here,
that I matter,
that I will not be erased,
I will not live a life that is not true to me.
With every pulse, it whispers,
„Protect what is yours,“
and I begin to know the strength of my own heart,
the way it beats defiantly,
the way it stands firm
against the tides of injustice,
the storms of neglect, abuse by the very ones whom should love & protect me.
Anger was my compass,
guiding me through the mire,
showing me the paths
I must carve for myself to have the change, the catalyst is within me, I will remain angry until I am free.
I embrace it,
this fierce flame,
I do not shy away from its heat;
I let it burn, let it blaze,
for in its light, I find clarity,
in its fire, I forge my resolve.
Anger protects me,
not as a blind rage,
but as a fierce protector,
a faithful guard at the gates of my soul,
reminding me that I am worthy,
that I am powerful,
that I am whole.
Let the world see my rage,
let them feel its pulse,
for it is not chaos;
it is the rhythm of my heart,
the dance of resilience,
the anthem of my spirit,
and in this fierce embrace,
I will stand tall, unflinching
unyielding, uninspired by the calls of conformity & silence, my anger makes me authentic, my anger allows others to know that we all can share in our righteous anger until we are truly at peace, alive, fully as we were designed to be, a warrior heart who is not afraid or shamed of the very valid emotions that dwell within naturally.



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