to be both nothing and everything;The Pali Canon

The Buddha also said that the cause of desire is ignorance, fundamental ignorance; that is, Ignorance of the fundamental reality that grasping for things comes from desiring to own something, to make it yours, to attach it and you to it..Thus, attachment is what causes suffering, because now we live in fear of losing „what’s mine, what belongs to me.“ No desire to own something means no attachment, and no attachment means no suffering. By the way, whatever I say about Buddhism comes from the Pali Canon, the fundamental teachings of the Buddha. The Pali Canon is recognized by all Buddhist sects, in the same way that the Bible is recognized by all Christian sects.


Interesting but I don’t think that’s it.

In my opinion, the desire which causes suffering is about wishing for something that doesn’t or can’t exist rather than being present, facing what IS and doing what can be done with what is available. It’s accepting and confronting one’s existence rather than pining away. When one realizes that our consciousness is beyond our bodies, suffering is just a subconscious decision on how to view the circumstances. „Oh it’s so bad“ is self induced and only hinders the spirit and doesn’t even help the physical body.

I gather that the point is to reach one’s native state of mind which is beyond this physical realm — to be both nothing and everything, to step outside of the compulsive subroutines of our mental machinery.


Suffering is caused by desire, expectations and attachments.

One can get rid of fear of the death if one get rid of attachments.

Suffering can make one to lose desire to live.

Unfulfilled expectations make one suffer.

Death is liberation of all, mentioned above, at once.

Religions promised punishment if one is bad guy, he would continue suffering in afterlife. Or reborn as a frog.)))

Religion was the first justice tools, sort of the law,written for only one purpose that people behave.

Gautama was trying to make balance between joy and suffering. He was only one of many Buddhas, Buddha means enlightened one, Jesus was Buddha as well.

víko mojej rakve.


jeho ´myslenie´ nemá ani hlavu a ani pätu, a ja si nemyslím, že je on človek k novému krásnemu svetu, že to ďaleko dopracoval so svojím ´bohorovným sebavedomím´, lebo ja ho ´nezlomím´ za zlo, ktoré na mne napáchal, aby som po druhom dychu nelapal, a spoločnosť si ma udržala od tela zmučeného pochybami, keď obrátili môj život hore nohami medzi nami mentálnymi [...]

Ľudské sebavedomie


Ľudské sebavedomie je povrchom a priepasťou je ´vedomie´ kým nevedomie je záchrannou sieťou. Za jedinú platnú ´pravdu´ berie ako solipsizmus tak aj ´dialektický-subjektívny idealizmus´ ´subjekt´ a jeho vnímanie skrze, ktoré človek môže odhaliť štruktúru protikladov, ktoré vezia v samotných základoch vecí; dekonštrukcia je týmto pohybom ´zmyslu´ si myslím, ktorý [...]

on ´útočil´bez najmenšieho ohľadu na výsady aby som pošel hlady. .. .. .. ..


čas sa rýchlo míňa mňa jeho slovo nezaklína nikdy som nepotreboval byť v klídku o sebe sám ako usínam mne sa hnusí človek osika ja som musel pikať šialenstva ´logika´ ja nemám vyhlídku…… x to v medziach slušnosti som sa začal zadúšať keď na mne skúšali psychofarmaka a klietku za moje myšlienky do, ktorých som sa halil mňa pán na hard disk [...]

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