Don’t scapegoat me!

Do not cast me into the tempest,
a figure of blame & shame
a sacrificial lamb
to appease the shadows.
I am not the storm,
not the thunder that rumbles
thru the heart of the night,
nor the lightning that splits the sky,
illuminating the chaos
that churns within.
I am the stillness,
the calm that exists beneath
the surface of tumult,
the quiet breath before the outburst,
the heartbeat of resilience,
the pulse of truth
that courses through my veins but you already knew
Do not dress me in the garments of guilt
do not crown me with the thorns
of your choices,
your fears,
your failures.
I refuse to wear the mask
of your despair.
I am the mirror reflecting
the shadows you cast,
the light you’ve turned away from
the echo of your own voice,
the unacknowledged truth
that rattles within your bones
I will not carry your burdens,
your dark shroud,
for I am my own,
crafted from the clay of my experiences,
fired in the kiln of my struggles,
glazed with the richness of my journey
When the winds howl,
and the tides rise,
know this:
I stand firm,
rooted in my own story,
a testament to resilience,
a beacon of selfhood,
not a pawn in your game in your distorted chess game
Do not scapegoat me!
For I am not your escape,
but a voice that rises,
a spirit that soars,
a heart that beats with the rhythm
of unapologetic & undeniable truth
Embrace the chaos,
unravel the threads of blame,
for in the tapestry of life,
we are all woven together,
not as scapegoats,
but as the vibrant colors
of shared humanity,
each unique,
each essential,
each deserving of light.
So let the storm rage,
let the winds swirl,
but do not find solace
in my silence,
for I will speak,
I will rise & I will be everything I was meant to be & not your scapegoat!

I bez Darwina


I bez Darwina si lze uvědomit, že patříme mezi ostatní zvířata. Trocha pozorování našeho vlastního života nás k takovému závěru brzy dovede. Nicméně – protože věda požívá autority, se kterou běžná zkušenost nemůže soutěžit – povšimněme si, co Darwin učí: že živočišné druhy jsou jen nahromaděním genů působících vzájemně a náhodně na sebe a na [...]

židia. .. .. .. .


Dodnes nikdo neodhalil veškeré lži a křivá obvinění, obsažené v tomto tvrzení, neboť lidé se bojí odhalit lživý původ křesťanské bible … I am reading this text.- Sounds good. Yet We will see. What do You make of it? K Thispart sounds good Historie nedává Židům nijak příznivou reputaci, ať již šlo o hebrejské, chazarské či sephardinské (španělské) Židy. [...]

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„The darkness is death – we can speak, but we are not heard. We can scream but they turn their backs. We can run, but we cannot catch them. It is the dream where arms and legs won’t work they way they should, and the air is too thick to breathe. Loved ones walk a mile ahead, forgetting to stop as we fall behind. This is the reality of the darkness. We are buried alive inside [...]


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