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(1) Genesis claims Earth was created on Day-1 and the sun, moon and stars on Day-4 (Gen 1:1 / Gen 1:15-16)
– Planets are composed of elements and elements are fused by stars. You cannot form planets from things fused by stars before stars exist.
(2) Genesis claims Earth had three mornings and three evenings before the sun existed. (Gen 1:5, 8 & 13)
– Mornings and evenings are positions on Earth, relative to the sun. You cannot have positions relative to the sun, until you have the sun.
(3) Genesis claims that Earth was formed covered in liquid water on day 1, and then the atmosphere (firmament) was formed on Day-2 (Gen 1:1 / Gen 1:6-7)
– The vaporization rate of water is regulated by atmospheric pressure. Without atmospheric pressure, water vaporizes at an explosive rate.
(4) Genesis claims that Earth had grasses, fruit trees, and herbs, growing on Day-3, but the sun didn’t exist until Day-4 (Gen 1:11-12 / Gen 1:15-17)
– Without the sun, the mean temperature of Earth would be only slightly above that of space, which is -454°. Note that is four-hundred fifty four BELOW ZERO! Plants would freeze to death in seconds.
(5) Genesis claims Earth had liquid water on Day-3, but no sun until Day-4 (Gen 1:9 / Gen 1:15-16)
– Water freezes at 32°F @ SAP. At -400°F, the water would be frozen solid.
(6) Genesis claims that the moon is a light (Gen 1:16)
– The moon is not a light. It only reflects the sun’s light. The Bible authors had no idea where the sun went at night.
(7) Genesis claims that the moon, sun, and stars were all made „IN“ the – Earth’s atmosphere. The atmosphere is around 350-miles thick. The moon is about 2,159 miles in diameter, and the sun is about 864,000 miles. Obviously, they do not reside in the atmosphere.
THIS is the popular conception of the universe at the time Genesis and many of the OT texts were written, and this is EXACTLY what we find depicted in the Bible.

None of us have seen God,


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