
Creationists assert or claim that there is a benovelent God, a powerful entity that created the universe by his words, (Let there be light), and used dust to create mankind.
However, atheists rejected the assertion of the creationists based on the failure of the creationists to prove the existence of God.
Therefore, a scientific claim was introduced, as another possibility of the universe creation.
The scientific claim suggested that a big bang (explosion) created the universe.
Further, scientists formulated another theory an evolution theory which indicated that evolution gave produced life in the universe.
It is important to note that atheists support both the theory of evolution and the big bang claim, as the truth.
Unfortunately, the big bang claim and evolution theory are rejected because of the inability of the scientists and atheists to answer fundamental questions about both evolution and big bang.
Firstly, what caused the big bang and what was there before the big bang.
Secondly, wherefrom the first common ancestor originates fromwhich mankind and animals species evolved.
Not forgetting the origins of the vegetation.
As a result, of failure to respond to these pertinent questions the creation and big bang claims, as well as the evolution theory, falls flat. Subsequently, regarded as the greatest lie ever told.
Of which, I personally agree that the creationists and the big bang claims, as well as the evolution theory are not convincing as proof of mankind and universe origin.
As a result, the conclusion is that mankind would not know of the origin of mankind and the universe.
Unless or until, another credible theory is introduced, as an explanation of mankind Genesis.



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