
Hedonism is impossible, because it’s predicated on a basic principle of desire-> motivation -> effort -> dopamine reward and then repetition, so you are not ever satisfied, you always have to invest and make an effort in order to get a temporal stimuation and you are trapped in a paradox.
Also, you are still subject to harm and vulnerability remains a constant. The assumption of satisfaction might as well be an overestimation bias on your behalf, feeling regretful in the aftermath of any decision, being still dissatisfied, feeling empty, which will cause you to find different avenues in order to attempt something that would constitute novelty, which new assumptions of novelty being sufficient to provide anything else rather that a temporary satisfaction, if you manage to delude yourself that this is the case by engaging in new activities that will end up being another paradox being a routine and a new form of escaping for a prior one, because hedonism is somehow paramount to a world that once it has been mapped and navigated, it becomes like Schopenhauer stated in his ‚The world as will and representation‘.
„He who lives to see two or three generations is like a man who sits some time in the conjurer’s booth at a fair, and witnesses the performance twice or thrice in succession. The tricks were meant to be seen only once; and when they are no longer a novelty and cease to deceive, their effect is gone.“
Needless to say that the wisdom of Schopenhauer surpassess any claims about hedonism, considering that there can never be any satisfaction in a world of phenomena that once they have been experienced for what they are, which is the repetition of life, be it the Lunar cycle, seasons or some weather phenomena like rainbows and shit will soon reailze that hedonism is only an addiction which motivates one to get a quick fix of some lonesome boat straned on the shore whilst the sun sets and they are mesmerized by the contitions of that specific event with the variations be time of day, season, cloud formations etc.
All that is just sensory stimulation, yet as you depart, you trip and fell and crack your head on the rocks. Hedonism is impossible, because it is based on presuppositions to be constant and us living in a vaccum where there in nothing interfering with it, so it’s laughable how these people can claim that their delusional utopianism can be manifested into reality in a world that can compromise your well being and is nothing more that a constant flow of information that translates into feelings, so big fucking deal.
You want to stroke your genitals whilst eating ice cream so you can increase the levels of pleassure? Go for it and have that illusion last for a while until it fades and you go after some other activity.
Another example pointing out the assymetry of pain and pleassure that uncle Schop pointed out was the two animals with one being eaten aline and the other being the one who benefits from its demise.
That’s how nature is structured in order to motivate satisfying needs at the expense of others and hedonists would not be willing to compromise how nature functions, in order to prevent all suffering, but instead, they devote their time in meaningless crap instead of rejecting their futile endeavors.

kým on reve, že moje týranie je to orechové pravé, a pod slnkom nič nové. .. .. ..


Z rajskej záhrady som bol expresne deportovaný do psychiatrického pekla, kde ´pán´vrešťal, že do mňa to žena neřekla, že pod jeho paprčami zhorím do tla, keď zbúra moje sebavedomie on a jeho rúra…Reval, že pre ´dobro humanity´ budem od nej separovaný, lebo som mu nedal ´pol slova´do bitky a to mi ´zazlieva´, keď mi psychiater do hlavy choré rozumčeky nalieva, [...]

na našej ceste spoločnej, ,,


Som zobral na seba povinnosť sa zabiť za svoju inosť inobytia, ktoré oni nepodchytia, ale budú kopať pod úroveň človeka, a týrať na holú dreň, aby mi zapchali chlebáreň preň ´panstvo´, ktoré sa zahniezdilo v hniezdočku mojej lásky, kde som balil devočku po očku ako veľkú preveľkú kočku, ktorá ma stretla v dereve; dohodli sme sa, že ukradneme život pleve [...]

podľa mňa chyba na, ktorej som sa mal učiť nebola vo mne. .. .. .. 


si osobil absolútnu moc nad mojím životom, aby mi dokázal, že som vodu mútnu mútil, a ma nútil k spáchaniu samovraždy pod rúškom toho, že ´mne sa nedeje nič nárokom´, a budem hnaný na zodpovednosť, lebo som ´planý človek´ od prírody, ktorý si na ´pána´ neurobil pokdy, a pritom mal ´vo svojej komfortnej zóne leháro´…tak sa mu cesta do tej zóny zahatala, aby [...]

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Donald Trump

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Banská Bystrica, plaváreň

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