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internet isn’t just an abstract idea.

Abstract ideas can’t interact? The idea of the Internet is an abstraction – a global computer network – and millions of people interact with it daily. It exists in cyberspace and realspace. The solution to the modus operandi problem is the Divine Wireless Network. We are computers on God’s divine wireless network. If God is the network and we are part of that network, are we not demigods?

No, because the internet isn’t just an abstract idea. It consists of networks of physical technology interacting via combinations of electromagnetic means, laser arrays, and certain types of radio waves. All measurable/quantifiable things

naked burn


Angels dancing with a mortalA sinA giant born within a woman’sWombNephilim walking through the forestBreaking limbsAs we bow and give respect toThe gods Save yourselfDon’t wait on me My feetAre sewnEndlessBottom The church is burning from the insideOutAltars falling into ashesAgainAn eagle fly upon horizonsWith sightFocusing on all our familiesAnd friends ApologizeCan we rise above [...]

Stevens Brett Ecofascism and the Far-Right


The first thing that They do is try to confuse you about what you believe. That means hiding the nature of the Left, which is egalitarianism, so that they can hide the nature of the right… a focus on order, natural and cultural, as being more important than me-first obsession with desire and self-image. Obligingly the public Right conned itself into being Leftist, since instead of emphasizing [...]

Projective identification


Projective identification is a psychological concept that originated from psychoanalytic theory, primarily associated with the work of Melanie Klein. It’s a complex, unconscious defense mechanism that involves projecting unwanted feelings or parts of the self onto another person and then interacting with that person as though they are exhibiting those projected feelings or traits. Here’s [...]

Czech Republic Presidential Election

Voľby do českého Senátu prvýkrát vyhralo Babišove ANO, ale vláde väčšina zostala

28.09.2024 17:21

Hnutie ANO českého expremiéra Andreja Babiša prvýkrát od svojho vzniku vyhralo voľby do Senátu.

Miloš Zeman, Robert Fico

Zeman vítal gratulantov k svojej osemdesiatke, medzi prvými boli Fico s Kaliňákom

28.09.2024 16:14

Bývalý český prezident Miloš Zeman, ktorý bol ako v Česku prvý zvolený v priamej voľbe, oslavuje v sobotu 80 rokov.

Medveď hnedý

Medveď behá v parku v Trenčianskych Tepliciach, upozorňuje polícia

28.09.2024 15:46

"V miestnom parku v Trenčianskych Tepliciach bol oznámený výskyt medveďa hnedého, ktorý mal vybehnúť z lesa do potoka," uvádza polícia.

nádcha, chrípka, choroba, prechladnutie, vreckovky, covid, muž

Nemocnice a lekári sa pripravujú na chrípkovú sezónu, situáciu zhoršuje covid. Kde sa dá zaočkovať a ako kombinovať vakcíny?

28.09.2024 15:00

V októbri sa "oficiálne" začína chrípková sezóna, ale nárast prípadov respiračných ochorení lekári a nemocnici evidujú už od začiatku septembra

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