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There are myriads of great affordable
vegan and cruelty-free products out
there, but try to ask these carnists to
choose them and they’ll destroy you
with mockery and malice. Their toxic
egos could never let them admit they
are wrong. It is much easier to call us
„crazy“ than it is to acknowledge the
fact that they are not „animal lovers“
or „good people“, as they would like
to believe. They claim they’re against
animal abuse just because they want
to preserve their positive self-image.
But at the same time, they sponsor it.
Why…? They don’t know why. They
don’t know why they are doing what
they are doing. They are completely
devoid of self-awareness and critical
thinking. The ugly truth is, 9 times
out of 10, conformity beats morality.
Humans are DEMONS. Evil for the
sake of evil. I pray for the apocalypse
to come and annihilate humanity.
To obliterate everything. To remain nothing.

 Václav Jan


Sonnenmensch Autor: Václav Jan Co to bylo za lidi? Heidegger, Pound, Céline, George, Hamsun, Wagner, Spengler? Nejskvělejší německý filosof, největší americký básník, nejoriginálnější francouzský romanopisec, nejslavnější norský spisovatel? Skladatelé, vizionáři, renesanční osobnosti. A všechno fašisti nebo protofašisti! Co třeba tenhleten prokletý [...]

Nephren Qayin Knowledge


Knowledge is the tool for growth, self development and self transformation. However knowledge alone will not work without application. It won’t matter whether an entity or your higher self shows you any gnosis, without application, the gnosis itself is useless. Both go hand in hand. Having knowledge alone is similar to a librarian: you know or have an idea about something but don’t [...]

male and female


All advantages women face are a direct result of male actions and misogyny. Strangers trust women more because men pose the majority of kidnappers, are more prone to random and brutal acts of violence, and are more likely to rob and rape. Men are also more likely to inflict harm on others, so it’s no wonder people tend to trust women more. People trust women more around kids because the vast [...]

iPhone 12, mobil, smartfón

Na Slovensku úraduje nový podvod cez SMS, takto ho odhalíte

04.07.2024 10:04

Podvodníci zasielajú ľuďom SMS správy o tom, že ich dieťa má nové číslo.

Peter Pellegrini

Pellegrini vyrazil k severným susedom, stretne sa s najvyššími predstaviteľmi Poľska

04.07.2024 09:56

Na programe má stretnutie s prezidentom Dudom, premiérom Tuskom aj s predsedom Sejmu Poľskej republiky Szymonom Holowniom.

fico, handlová, atentát

Žilinka: Atentát na premiéra Fica bol prekvalifikovaný na teroristický útok. Hrozí mu doživotie

04.07.2024 09:39, aktualizované: 10:23

Žilinka na sociálnej sieti uviedol, že pokus o atentát na premiéra Roberta Fica sa prekvalifikoval na obzvlášť závažný zločin teroristického útoku.


Božie mlyny domleli. 99-ročný dozorca z koncentračného tábora pred súd nepôjde

04.07.2024 08:00

Bývalého esesáka obvinili, že sa podieľal na zavraždení vyše 3 200 väzňov, ale trestu unikne. Podľa znaleckého posudku nie je spôsobilý zúčastniť sa na súdnom procese.

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