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 cares about manipulating people and grooming them into conformity so he can extract benefit from those who blindly adhere to his prescriptions regarding the tradcon propaganda, so he can utilize everyone for his own benefit, because he is a moral absolutist and a deontologist regarding muh society of the covert sociopaths, but if you make a consequentialist argument, or an epigenetic one, he will reveal his hypocrisy and faux humanitarian virtue signaling, since he doesn’t care in what position you are or might end up being in, nor if someone is qualified being a parent or what the environment (epigenetics) will be in the household or in a broader social context, because he needs slaves, military and taxpayers so he can continue to leech with his genes as well, so he can then point fingers and make accusations of studies having a publication or otherwise bias because he wants the tradcon propagada to prevail and be the only acceptable dogma of the idealist parasites, and whatever doesn’t favor them is dismissed and attacked, because it breaks the loop of social conformity, which poses a threat to them, because they reduce you to a mere utility, regardless their claims about muh intrinsic value, when tthe opposite is true.
Every enstablishment that wants to preserve itself depends on propaganda models in order to convince others to maintin it at all costs, so any humanitarian narratives emanating from tradcon or some other natalist prick are there to use others as a means to an end and expolit them with a variety of alluring baits, because they are scared shitless from the declining birth rates and they are no longer Stoics (they never were).
Now is only panic and discomfort and targeting the youth with tboth manginas and bitches/leeches to carry forth the banner of what is the holy and sacred metaphysical crusade to infuence the sheep that want to imitate and conform to the molds set by the ones who are now frustrated that they can’t use any strategy in order to counterr the nihilism permiating the culture as well as people don’t giving a shit about following the tradcon lane and this not only atributable to antinatalism, but a variety of factors, such as cost of living etc, but the tyrants masquerading as compassionate and benevolent, only care about their survival not bein compromised by those „heretics“ who are not conforming to the status quo.
Death is on the horizon, so let’s make sure that more people will refuse to conform, and let the rest perish. Once humanity falls, the rest is a nuclear fallout, so we get that covered to regarding striping out the biosphere in the aftermath of this event, so no more slaves.

naked burn


Angels dancing with a mortalA sinA giant born within a woman’sWombNephilim walking through the forestBreaking limbsAs we bow and give respect toThe gods Save yourselfDon’t wait on me My feetAre sewnEndlessBottom The church is burning from the insideOutAltars falling into ashesAgainAn eagle fly upon horizonsWith sightFocusing on all our familiesAnd friends ApologizeCan we rise above [...]

Stevens Brett Ecofascism and the Far-Right


The first thing that They do is try to confuse you about what you believe. That means hiding the nature of the Left, which is egalitarianism, so that they can hide the nature of the right… a focus on order, natural and cultural, as being more important than me-first obsession with desire and self-image. Obligingly the public Right conned itself into being Leftist, since instead of emphasizing [...]

Projective identification


Projective identification is a psychological concept that originated from psychoanalytic theory, primarily associated with the work of Melanie Klein. It’s a complex, unconscious defense mechanism that involves projecting unwanted feelings or parts of the self onto another person and then interacting with that person as though they are exhibiting those projected feelings or traits. Here’s [...]

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