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– Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow

„So far, we have no good answer to this problem.
Already thousands of years ago philosophers realised that there is no way to prove conclusively that anyone other than oneself has a mind.
Indeed, even in the case of other humans, we just assume they have consciousness – we cannot know that for certain.
Perhaps I am the only being in the entire universe who feels anything, and all other humans and animals are just mindless robots?
Perhaps I am dreaming, and everyone I meet is just a character in my dream? Perhaps I am trapped inside a virtual world, and all the beings I see are merely simulations?
According to current scientific dogma, everything I experience is the result of electrical activity in my brain, and it should therefore be theoretically feasible to simulate an entire virtual world that I could not possibly distinguish from the ‘real’ world.
Some brain scientists believe that in the not too distant future, we shall actually do such things. Well, maybe it has already been done – to you?
For all you know, the year might be 2216 and you are a bored teenager immersed inside a ‘virtual world’ game that simulates the primitive and exciting world of the early twenty-first century. Once you acknowledge the mere feasibility of this scenario, mathematics leads you to a very scary conclusion: since there is only one real world, whereas the number of potential virtual worlds is infinite, the probability that you happen to inhabit the sole real world is almost zero.“
– Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow

Stevens Brett Ecofascism and the Far-Right


The first thing that They do is try to confuse you about what you believe. That means hiding the nature of the Left, which is egalitarianism, so that they can hide the nature of the right… a focus on order, natural and cultural, as being more important than me-first obsession with desire and self-image. Obligingly the public Right conned itself into being Leftist, since instead of emphasizing [...]

Projective identification


Projective identification is a psychological concept that originated from psychoanalytic theory, primarily associated with the work of Melanie Klein. It’s a complex, unconscious defense mechanism that involves projecting unwanted feelings or parts of the self onto another person and then interacting with that person as though they are exhibiting those projected feelings or traits. Here’s [...]

Přišli jsme z jiné dimenze a zde jsme se probudili k novému životu.


Dostali jsme se na historické rozcestí, kde musíme znovu všechno kompletně přehodnotit. Všechny staré úmluvy se rozpadly na prach, stejně jako drtivá většina kdysi platných společenských dohod. Člověk stojí na prahu znepokojivé budoucnosti, která se příliš nepodobá čemukoliv, co známe z dějin našeho druhu. Nemáme tedy na co odkazovat a s čím srovnávat. Naše [...]

SR Bratislava stretnutie predsedovia strany prezident BAX

Hrabko: Spory vládnych strán majú ďaleko od chaosu za bývalej koalície

28.09.2024 08:22

Verbálne spory vo vládnej koalícii nesmerujú do hĺbky a majú ďaleko k chaosu minulého volebného obdobia, hovorí publicista.

Miloš Zeman

Ľavičiar a tolerantný ateista, milovník becherovky i autor svojráznych bonmotov. Miloš Zeman oslavuje 80

28.09.2024 08:00

Je jednou z najvýraznejších postáv českej ponovembrovej politiky.

vojna na Ukrajine, Kyjev

ONLINE: Zelenskyj: Vysvetlili sme Amerike každý bod Plánu víťazstva. Verí, že ho v USA pochopili

28.09.2024 07:00, aktualizované: 09:45

"Pre Ukrajinu je dôležité, aby Amerika priamo pochopila Ukrajinu. A tak to aj je," povedal Zelenskyj po návšteve USA s Plánom víťazstva.

Kríza na Blízkom východe otriasa aj ratingom Izraela, Moody's mu ho zhoršila o dva stupne

28.09.2024 06:21

Medzinárodná ratingová agentúra Moody's zhoršila hodnotenie úverovej spoľahlivosti Izraela o dva stupne na známku Baa1.

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