Why the Church of Satan Doesn’t Own the Term „Satanism“


The Church of Satan does not own the rights to the term „Satanism“ for several reasons:


Historical Use : The term „Satanism“ predates the founding of the Church of Satan in 1966. It has been used historically to describe various religious, philosophical, and cultural phenomena long before Anton LaVey established his organization. The Church of Satan cannot claim exclusive rights to a term with such a broad and long-standing history.

*See my article ‚Satanism‘ for more information


Generic Term: „Satanism“ is considered a generic term that encompasses a variety of beliefs and practices. Like other religious terms such as „Christianity“ or „Paganism,“ it cannot be trademarked or owned by any single organization. The term is used by different groups and individuals who identify with different forms of Satanic philosophy and practice, including theistic Satanists, atheistic Satanists, and others.


Freedom of Religion: In many countries, freedom of religion and belief is protected by law. This means that individuals and groups are free to adopt and use religious terms as they see fit. The Church of Satan cannot legally prevent other groups from using the term „Satanism“ to describe their own beliefs and practices.


Diverse Interpretations: There are many interpretations and branches of Satanism beyond the Church of Satan’s philosophy. For example, the Temple of Set, founded by Michael Aquino, and The Satanic Temple, founded by Lucien Greaves and Malcolm Jarry, represent different forms of Satanic thought. Each group has its own interpretation and practice of Satanism, further demonstrating that the term is not exclusive to any single entity.


Lack of Trademark: The Church of Satan has not trademarked the term „Satanism.“ Trademarks are specific to products, services, or brand names, and the term „Satanism“ is too broad and generic to be trademarked in this manner. Even if they had attempted to do so, it would likely have been challenged and rejected due to the reasons mentioned above.


In summary, the Church of Satan does not own the rights to the term „Satanism“ because it is a historically and culturally broad term, used by various groups and individuals, protected under freedom of religion, and too generic to be trademarked.

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